Africa Now - Weekly Newsletter (Week 9, 2023)

Welcome to Africa Now, your weekly newsletter for Africa, presenting the most important developments in the continent - news that matters.


The Future of Ethiopia's Peace Deal
There are nations with states a....

Africa Now - Weekly Newsletter (Week 8, 2023)

Welcome to Africa Now, your weekly newsletter for Africa, presenting the most important developments in the continent - news that matters.


What India's "One Earth, One Health" Policy means for Africa

West Asia Roundup-January 2023

Abstract: 2023 began with greater tensions in the region. Israel -Palestine conflict and high levels of violence and protests in Israel against the efforts of Netanyahu’s ultra-right government to compromise the powers of the Judiciary as we....

Africa Now - Weekly Newsletter (Week 7, 2023)

Welcome to Africa Now, your weekly newsletter for Africa, presenting the most important developments in the continent - news that matters.


The Promise and Peril of Africa in 2023
As the year 2022 ended,....

VIF News Digest: National Security - Defence Studies & Terrorism, 16-31 January 2023


Africa Now - Weekly Newsletter (Week 6, 2023)

Welcome to Africa Now, your weekly newsletter for Africa, presenting the most important developments in the continent - news that matters.


Whither Political Freedoms in Africa?
A marked disjuncture b....

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi's Visit to India

Amb. Anil Trigunayat, Distinguished Fellow at VIF, discusses "President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi's Visit to India" by assessing Egypt's importance in West Asian regional geopolitics and identifying the areas of collaboration between India and Egypt.....

India and Egypt – Finding Strategic Convergence

As the global churn is yet to spring some sense of stability New Delhi has been in an overdrive to identify and nurture key partnerships across geographies since its strategic autonomy and consistent principled policies in international discourse hav....

Africa Now - Weekly Newsletter (Week 4, 2023)

Welcome to Africa Now, your weekly newsletter for Africa, presenting the most important developments in the continent - news that matters.


Here’s how President Biden can build on the promise of his Africa s....

Africa Now - Weekly Newsletter (Week 3, 2023)

Welcome to Africa Now, your weekly newsletter for Africa, presenting the most important developments in the continent - news that matters.


US and Russia clash over violent extremism in Africa
The Un....

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