Neighborhood News Digest – 06 November 2023

Opium Poppy Cultivation Declined by 95% in Afghanistan: UNODC – Tolo News
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) said in a report that the “opium poppy cultivation and opium production dramatical....

Neighborhood News Digest – 03 November 2023


Afghan refugees forced to leave Pakistan say they have nothing - BBC
Pakistan has started to arrest Afghans as the country begins a nationwide crackdown on foreign nationals it says are in the country illegally. ....

Neighborhood News Digest – 02 November 2023


Over 1 lakh undocumented Afghans returned to Afghanistan: Pak official – Hindustan Times
Pakistan's deadline to expel all undocumented immigrants, including hundreds of thousands of Afghan nationals, is expiring ....

Neighborhood News Digest – 31 October 2023


World Food Program assists 23 Million Afghans with Food in One year – The Khaama Press
The World Food Program reports that approximately 23 million citizens in Afghanistan received food assistance in the past yea....

Neighborhood News Digest – 27 October 2023

Taliban free Afghan activist arrested 7 months ago after campaigning for girls’ education – Indian Express
The Taliban have freed an Afghan activist who campaigned for the education of girls, a local nonprofit....

Neighborhood News Digest – 26 October 2023

Kakar: Illegal Afghan Immigrants Must Leave Pakistan – Tolo News
The caretaker prime minister of Pakistan, Anwaar ul Haq Kakar, called on Afghans who are living in the country illegally to return to Pakistan aft....

Neighborhood News Digest – 25 October 2023

Taliban benefiting from international aid through ‘fraudulent’ NGOs, says U.S. watchdog – The Hindu
The watchdog for U.S. assistance to Afghanistan has warned that the Taliban are benefiting from internation....

Neighborhood News Digest –20 October 2023


Tajikistan’ President unveils 24 new border posts along Afghanistan border – The Khaama Press
Imam Ali Rahman, Tajikistan’s President, opened 24 new border posts on his visit to the Khatlon province, strength....

A Brief Evaluation of Maldives Presidential Elections

The recent presidential elections in Maldives saw the victory of Dr Mohamed Muizzu as their president, beating incumbent President Ibrahim Solih in a second-round runoff. Muizzu received 54% of the ballots, with 46% for Solih. In this episode, Amb Ra....

Neighborhood News Digest – 18 October 2023


Doval meets Central Asian counterparts, pushes for ‘transparent’ connectivity, ‘inclusive’ Afghanistan – The Print
Noting that the situation in Afghanistan remains a cause of concern, National Security Ad....

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