International Relations/Diplomacy
West Asia
Pezeshkian as President: What Might this Mean for Iran and India

Election for the presidency of the Islamic Republic in Iran has brought into limelight the unlikely figure of Masoud Pezeshkian, who beat the arch-conservative Saeed Jalili in the run-off held on 5th July 2024. Winning by a good nine percentage poin

Iran in the Wake of the Death of Ebrahim Raisi

The death of Ebrahim Raisi, the incumbent President of Iran, in a tragic accident has lent to feverish speculation as to what could its repercussions be. The general consensus that is emerging seems to be that having made little original contributio

Key Changes in India’s Approach Towards West Asia over the Last ten Years: From Link West to Act West

When Prime Minister Narendra Modi took over the reins of India in 2014, there were some concerns within the Arab and the Muslim world that India’s foreign policy will tilt towards Israel at the expense of the Palestinian cause and historic relation

Hezbollah in the North

Israel currently in midst of ground operation in Gaza Strip is simultaneously engaged in limited war across the Blue Line on its northern frontier with Hezbollah. The near daily exchange of fire that began since Israel Defense Forces (IDF)’s assaul

Israel-Hamas War: Enough is Enough

“How much is enough “to rake up the conscience and comfort levels of the international community especially for USA- the sole benefactor of the Netanyahu led Israeli onslaught on the hapless and hopeless Palestinian civilians in Gaza. All norms o

Uncertain Winds: Trends in West Asia in 2024

Israel-Hamas Conflict
On 7 October, Hamas’ military wing, Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades backed by Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s (PIJ) Al-Quds Brigades executed a multi-domain ‘shock and awe campaign’, ‘Operation Al Aqsa Flood’ i

West Asia - in the Throes of a Disruptive 2023 and not so Different 2024

Even as the 2023 turned out to be literally the hottest year in history, West Asia continued to face the equally destabilizing heat in the old and new hotspots. The ongoing wars and conflicts do not portend well for 2024. Hence, more disruptions cou

The Fate of the Palestinian Authority Post-Hamas Attack

The 7 October attack by Hamas’ military wing, Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades backed by Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s (PIJ) Al-Quds Brigades has boosted the support for armed resistance path among Palestinians, frustrated with the Palestinian Auth

Great Game in Reverse: Decoding Central Asia’s Geopolitical Rebalancing

Central Asia’s geostrategic location is critical, making this region a focal point of geopolitical struggle for centuries. In 1904, British geographer Halford Mackinder presented his ‘Heartland Theory,’ in which the Eurasia region is referred t

The Israel-Palestine Crisis

It was 1916, and the World War I was not going too well for the imperial powers Britain and France. These powers then started thinking in two directions – one, by weakening the adversary - the Central Powers comprising of the G

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