International Relations/Diplomacy
West Asia
The Israel-Palestine Crisis

It was 1916, and the World War I was not going too well for the imperial powers Britain and France. These powers then started thinking in two directions – one, by weakening the adversary - the Central Powers comprising of the G

The Emerging Trends in the Indo-West Asian Ties: Newer Opportunities and Challenges

Since the last few years, there has been a discernible growth in India’s bilateral relations with most of the countries in its extended neighbourhood – West Asia. With the exception of a few, cooperation and joint collaborations between them are

The Turkish Exception to India's Forays in West Asia

The West Asia region is considered an “extended neighbourhood” in Indian foreign policy discourse. Since recalibrating its foreign policy in the 1990s, this important region has found a coveted place in India’s external outreach. Consequently,

Is the Sky the Limit for India-UAE Ties? Modi’s Fifth Visit to the Emirates

It is undeniable that the emerging trajectory of relations between India and a few key Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states have become one of the most successful stories of the current foreign policy of the Narendra Modi-led government since mid-20

China’s Challenge to the US in West Asia

The geopolitical sand dunes in West Asia are known to shift suddenly. However, major regional developments in recent times point to certain fundamental shifts, which may have significant long-term implications. The first among such important chang

China's Mediation Role in the Saudi Arabia-Iran Deal

Amb. Anil Trigunayat, Distinguished Fellow at VIF evaluates China's role in the recent rapprochement agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia. He also touches upon India's policy in the West Asian region in light of the resetting of relations between

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi's Visit to India

Amb. Anil Trigunayat, Distinguished Fellow at VIF, discusses "President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi's Visit to India" by assessing Egypt's importance in West Asian regional geopolitics and identifying the areas of collaboration between India and Egypt.

West Asia and North Africa Review 2022

Responses to the Russia-Ukraine War
The ongoing Russia-Ukraine war drew mixed responses among the West Asian and North African states based on their national interests and strategic objectives. Most states in the region do not necessarily

India and Egypt – Finding Strategic Convergence

As the global churn is yet to spring some sense of stability New Delhi has been in an overdrive to identify and nurture key partnerships across geographies since its strategic autonomy and consistent principled policies in international discourse hav

West Asia – 2022 Gone by with a Twist

West Asia never ceases to spring surprises. 2022 was no different in that regard except that conflicts became milder but the Black Swan events did not spare them either. As the countries, even the oil rich ones, were beginning to come out of the adv

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