Neighbourhood Studies
Sri Lanka At Cross Roads: Political Crisis Defies Solution

President Maithripala Sirisena’s (MS) palace coup of October 25, 2018, aimed apparently at wresting absolute powers, has obviously failed to achieve its objectives, and in its stead, has created more chaos and confusion. The sacking of a sitting Pr

बांग्लादेश चुनाव: हिफाजत का बढ़ता प्रभाव

शेख हसीना ने 26 अक्टूबर को पार्टी के एक मंच पर ऐलान किया कि दो कट्टर चरमपंथी गुटों जमात-ए-इस्लामी �

India-Nepal Relations under PM Oli

The landmark nation-wide elections in Nepal under the new Constitution, held in end-2017, ushered in a new era of democratic governance in the country. In these elections, the people’s verdict went overwhelmingly in favour of the Party of Nepal-Un

मालदीव: लोकतंत्र की जीत

चुनाव अचंभे में डालते ही हैं। मालदीव में 23 सितंबर, 2018 को हुए राष्ट्रपति चुनाव इतिहास में ऐसे चुना

Pakistan: The Aasia Bibi Case and its Aftermath

The controversy surrounding the blasphemy case of Pakistani citizen Aasia Noreen, better known as Aasia Bibi of village Ikkawali in Sheikhpura, Punjab, has drawn attention to the culture of extremism in Pakistan and showed the government and the arm

Moscow Regional Consultations on Afghanistan: Can India Play a Role?

On 9 November 2018, Moscow organised regional consultations on Afghanistan which were attended by the Taliban’s Qatar office and the representatives of the Afghan High Peace Council. This was the first time that the Taliban and the representatives

Bangladesh Elections: Growing Influence of ‘Hefazat’

The announcement on October 26th at a party forum by Sheikh Hasina that the two foremost hard-line fundamentalist groups, viz. the Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) and the Hefazat-e-Islam(HeI), should be treated differently, was closely followed by t

Imran Khan’s China visit: China’s Deafening Silence on Financial Bailout

Imran Khan ’s much anticipated China visit took place from 2 to 5 November 2018 in the backdrop of Pakistan's desperate requirement of a financial bailout due to mounting balance of payment crisis, the rising concerns about the unsustainability of

Bhutan Elections 2018: Analysis

It has been a decade since Bhutan started its first innings with procedural democratic reforms. The third round of elections held on October 18, 2018 found its final culmination, with a 71.4 percent voter turnout, and the much anticipated victory of

India Faces New Political Configurations in the Neighbourhood

Many unexpected but important developments are taking place in India’s neighbourhood. New political dispensations with new agendas have emerged in Pakistan, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, the Maldives, Nepal and Pakistan. Besides, one would have to awa

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