Neighbourhood Studies
Implications of Nepal's Withdrawal from BIMSTEC Military Exercise in India

The first ever Field Training Military Exercise or MILEX-18 of the seven member countries of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Cooperation (BIMSTEC), has been organised at Indian Army`s Foreign Training Node at Aundh, in Pune from 10th

Modi's Cultural Diplomacy: Bearing Fruits in Nepal

During his Premiership of four years, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Nepal four times – twice in 2014 and twice in 2018. He did not visit any other South Asian country as many times as he has visited Nepal, which amply demonstrates his

Bangladesh's quest for Sufi and Liberal Space

Sufis are accepted as a moderate strain of Islam and often being described as the ‘Mystic Muslim’ too. Historian Richard Eaton has identified several strands and references to Sufis and Pirs during 16th Century in the documented Musli

Pakistan: An Analysis of the Participation of Religious Parties in Elections, 2018

Elections 2018 in Pakistan would no doubt be remembered for the victory of Imran Khan. They were essentially a contest between the ‘naya Pakistan’ and ‘tabdeeli’ narrative of Imran Khan, and the ‘vote ko izzat do’ and develo

Pakistan Economy: Challenges Ahead for the New Government

Now that Imran Khan has assumed the office of the Prime Minister of Pakistan, the most pressing challenge for him would be the management of Pakistan’s economy. These revolve around mounting debt (both domestic and external), growing Chinese loans

Pakistan’s New Government: Are there reasons for Hope?

The 2018 General Elections in Pakistan are over and the Imran Khan led Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf Party (PTI) emerged as the single largest Party in the National Assembly, and formed the Government. Most of the parties alleged rigging and refused to a

Building Dams with Donations

So dire is Pakistan’s financial health that it has been reduced to mobilise money from individual donors to build infrastructure projects which will cost hundreds of thousands of crores of rupees. In his first speech after becoming the Prime Minist

Maldives in Election Mode

The Republic of Maldives announced its elections date to be 23rd of September, 2018. The pre-election period is being observed by nations and international organisation. Crisis erupted in the atoll nation in February this year, when the P

The First Nepal-India Think Tank Summit

The large turnout at the first India Nepal Think tank Summit held in Kathmandu on 31 July 2018 was a reflection of the deep interest people of Nepal cherish about India. While the numbers did thin a bit towards the end but the constant interactions t

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