Neighbourhood Studies
भारत-मालदीव मजबूत होती साझेदारी

हिंद-प्रशांत क्षेत्र अंतरराष्ट्रीय पक्षों का ध्यान आकर्षित करने की कोशिश कर रहा है, जिसके कारण

Pakistan Government’s Cabinet Reshuffle: Crisis Management and the Role of Deep State

Pakistan Government's cabinet recently underwent a reshuffle, and the removal of Asad Umar and Fawad Chaudhary from their respective portfolios (Finance Ministry and Information and Broadcasting Ministry) comes across as a change of course in the civ

Terror Once Again Raises its Ugly Head in Sri Lanka

After just about a decade of peace, on Easter Sunday morning (April 21, 2019), Sri Lanka was rudely shaken by a series of suicide bombing attacks, three of them targeting Church congregations in Colombo and another four at up-market hotels and a gues

Jihadi Terror Enters Sri Lanka

Almost exactly ten years after the end of the decades-long civil war in Sri Lanka, a horrendous wave of jihadi terrorism has made a terrifying re-entry. Eight near simultaneous bomb blasts were carried out across the country in Colombo, Negombo, Koch

Threats to Women’s Rights in Afghanistan

“Only the terrorist and the Taliban forbid education to the women. Only the terrorist and the Taliban threaten to pull out women’s fingernails for wearing nail polish….the fight against terrorism is also a fight for the rights and dignity of

अफगान वार्ता-लोगों को शामिल किये बगैर शांति वार्ता कैसे?

अफगानिस्तान में मध्यस्थता के लिए नियुक्त अमेरिका के विशेष प्रतिनिधि जमे खलिलजाद ने कतर में ता�

On The Eve of the Doha Round - Afghan Women Claim Their Space in the Peace Talks

This is an exceptionally confusing and exciting time in Afghanistan, and (we hope) a turning point in the history of the country. The US and the Afghan government representatives, together with civil society representatives are due to sit across the

India-Maldives: Strengthening Partnership

With the Indo-Pacific region vying for greater international attention, the Indian Ocean has assumed a greater criticality for the regional powers. Inevitably, India and China competing for greater influence in the common waters has lent the region w

Kabul’s Muscle-Flexing amidst recent Tensions

Prime Minister Imran Khan’s recent assertion that Pakistan would play a key role in the Afghan peace settlement has contributed to the latest downswing of ties between these two nations.1 In his address to journalists, Imran Khan not onl

यहां से बदल सकती है तस्वीर

उम्मीद के मुताबिक भारतीय विदेश मंत्री सुषमा स्वराज ने इस्लामी सहयोग संगठन (ओआईसी) का अपना संबो�

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