Neighbourhood Studies
Intra-Afghan Dialogue: A perspective

The intra-Afghan dialogue convened with the joint efforts of Germany and Qatar from 7-8 July in Doha has raised hopes of ending the 18-year-old conflict in Afghanistan. The dialogue was celebrated as a major milestone by all

पाकिस्तान में नए आईएसआई प्रमुख की नियुक्ति के मायने

सेना के शीर्ष क्रम में बदलाव के तहत हाल ही में ले. जन. आसिम मुनीर की जगह ले. जन. फैज हमीद को इंटर-सर्�

बिम्सटेक - एक सुरक्षा ढांचे की तरफ

प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी के दूसरी बार जनादेश पाने के भारत के घरेलू और विदेश नीति दोनों के लि�

Fortnightly Notes from the South Asian Sub-Continent

Bangladesh: No justice in extrajudicial killing
After a murder accused was killed in an encounter with the police earlier this month, Bangladesh’s apex court made clear that it did not approve of such ‘extrajudicial’ killings. The j

Pakistan Federal Budget 2019-20 - Unrealistic Ambitions

Pakistan’s Federal Budget was unveiled on June 11, 2019, under the looming shadow of International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) conditionalities seeking to curb the consistently misused fiscal space as well as the gloomy growth projection of 2.4 percent

A Perspective on China Myanmar Economic Corridor and Internal Dynamics

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, as a mark of support for China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) had attended both the first and second BRI Forums held in May 2017 and April 2019 in Beijing. Undoubtedly, there were political and economic ramifications of this

Changing Paradigm in India-Bhutan Relations

Bhutan is an important neighbour and recently appointed India’s External Minister S. Jaishankar chose to visit Bhutan for two days (7th-8th June) as his maiden bilateral visit. This visit facilitated the tradition of regular visits and exchange of

Moreh-Tamu: An Unfulfilled Potential

For India, Myanmar is a vital neighbour, located at a cusp connecting the region of South Asia to Southeast Asia. In the wake of India’s increasing engagement with the Southeast Asian neighours including the ASEAN countries, the Myanmar connect is

Deepening Challenges for the Ghani Government

The second round of intra-Afghan talks was concluded on 29 May 2019 in Moscow on the centenary of Russia-Afghanistan diplomatic relations during which the Taliban has once again refused the demand for a ceasefire.1 The courting of the Tali

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