National Security and Strategic Studies
Covid-19 and India’s Maoists

Even as the country is under a lockdown in the wake of COVID-19, also being referred to as novel Corona virus, alleged sympathisers of Naxalites of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), Maoists in short, Gautam Navlakha and Anand Teltumbde have been

Armed Forces in Aid to Civilian Authorities in COVID-19 environment

COVID-19 has tested healthcare and associated infrastructure of nations like nothing else before. There are precedents e.g. the Spanish Flu, but none on the scale of COVID-19. Under such a catastrophic environment, the role of the Armed Forces in ass

Post Tablighi Jamaat Fiasco - The Way Forward

Last one week has seen an exponential rise in N-COVID-19 cases, with the religious congregation of Tablighi Jamaat (TJ) followers at the Markaz in Delhi, acting as a significant trigger. It is appalling that despite so many advisories from the state

Islamic State Attack on Kabul Gurdwara Raises Several Questions

Amid the ongoing global panic caused by Coronavirus (aka Covid-19), the Sikh and Hindu communities in Kabul were subjected to the mortifying experience of the killing of their loved ones, not from Covid-19 pandemic, but the “ugly monster” of terr

Rethinking National Security in an Age of Pandemics

National security has traditionally been defined and understood in military terms. This notion of national security focuses on threats such as external armed aggression, Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), terrorism, insurgenc

Drone Swarms -a Growing Lethality…. Where is the World? Where are We?

The credit of using the unmanned platform for the first time goes to Austria, when in1849 it attacked the Italian city of Venice using unmanned balloons loaded with explosives1. Surely, the Austrian warriors could have never imagined that

Rewriting the New Narrative of Jammu and Kashmir

Disjunction between the law and state can lead to systemic decay that breed corruption, instability, violence and erosion of institutions of governance. Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) is victim of the disjunction that allowed state

Defence Exports: Analysing the Armenian Success

On 01 Mar 2020, the media was abuzz with the breaking news of India having won a 40 million USD contract to supply four Swathi Weapon Locating Radars (WLR) to Armenia beating strong competitors like Russia and Poland1. A contract of th

Challenges of Building Disaster Resilient Indian Smart Cities

March, 8, 2020: The world is gripped with the fear of COVID-19, including India. December 9, 2019: More 42 people killed in the Delhi Fire incident July 16, 2019: Building collapses in India’s Maximum City Mumbai killing 7 and trappin

Cyber Wargame - An Indian Scenario

Immediately after the first gulf war in the early 1990’s the theories of Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) and Information Warfare were being studied all over the world as a new kind of warfare. During that time, a cours

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