National Security and Strategic Studies
Tablighi Jamaat in India: Evolution and Impact

Brief Profile of Tablighi Jamaat (TJ)
The outbreak of COVID 19 pandemic in India coincided with headlines news in the Indian media on TJ. On 2 April 20 Lav Agarwal Joint Secretary Ministry of Health and Family Welfare stated ‘COVID-19

Lockdown Scenario- A Golden Opportunity for Cyber Criminals

“Anyone who thinks that security products alone offer true security is settling for the illusion of security.”1 - Kevin D Mitnick
The emergence of Coronavirus (hereafter COVID-19) and its rapid spread has em

Beyond the COVID-19: Indian Defence Industry

The social media is bulging at seams in making unending predictions by the hour related to the ‘life after Covid’. The continuum ranges from a ‘total doomsday’ scenario painted by the naysayersto the ‘we will win’ and how the life will be

The Maoists, Violence, and their ‘Alternate Revolutionary Programme’

As human beings distance away from each other to deny the corona virus any additional mass and volume, the left-wing insurgents in India's dense jungles converge into south Bastar in central India from neighbouring provinces as well as from Nepal

Biotechnology and Biological Warfare – its Applicability to Indian Armed Forces

What is Biotechnology?
The technology which is based on biology is known as biotechnology which harnesses cellular and bio molecular processes to develop technologies and products that help improve our lives and the health of our planet.

Drone Swarms: Bracing up with The New Threat

(This article linked with a previous article titled, Drone Swarms - a Growing Lethality. Where is the world? Where are we? published on the VIF portal on 06 Apr 20201.While the said article highlighted the growing lethality of th

Ramzan Amidst Battle Against Coronavirus

One of the most potent weapons against combatting Covid-19 pandemic is the norm of social distancing. Social congregation is an anathema to the norm of social distancing. Therefore, during the time when Covid-19 has spread it

Industry 4.0 Joins Fight to Contain COVID-19

“I have a 3D Printer and I am ready to join the fight against COVID-19” is the buzz among the technology developers. There is euphoria to use 3D printers to manufacture a variety of medical products and equipment such as face masks and shield, Pe

Corona - Biological War and Other Connotations

The intensity and spread of Corona virus has been unprecedented in the world. All previous calamities either effected smaller regions or petered out with time. In terms of death ‘Black Death’ caused up to 75-200 million people in Eurasia and Nort

Covid-19 and India’s Maoists

Even as the country is under a lockdown in the wake of COVID-19, also being referred to as novel Corona virus, alleged sympathisers of Naxalites of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), Maoists in short, Gautam Navlakha and Anand Teltumbde have been

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