National Security and Strategic Studies
Questioning India's Robust Response to the Chinese Threat is Anti National

The current Sino Indian faceoff is the most serious since the 1962 conflict. Strung across hundreds of kilometres and encompassing many contentious areas it has been marked by scuffles between the two sides resulting in scores of casualties and heavy

Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Leh: What Next?

Prime Minister Modi’s surprise visit to a military base near Leh close to the India-China border on 3rd July was a turning point in the nine weeks old Indian military India China military face of which remains unresolved despite several rounds of m


At those heights where the earth touches the sky The wind blows like a flurry of sharp spears That pierce the flesh without drawing blood When breathing becomes an ordeal And each step an act of determination to feel alive Our soldiers

Managing the LAC: Rules are Handrails, and Not Handcuffs!

The Dragon is awake, and is vigourously seeking to establish Pax Sinica! Of the two milestones of the 100th anniversaries of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 2021 and 2

FDI in Defence: Some Thoughts

When our Finance Minister announced the raising of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) limit in the defence sector under the automatic route from 49% to 74%1 it was reported as a ‘big push’ for Make in India. It was simultaneously reported

India’s Maoists: Business as usual

It has been business as usual for Naxalites of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), even as the country has been fighting the challenge of COVID-19 pandemic. Incidents of violence by the Maoists, efforts at shoring–up their arsenal and extortion,

Eastern LADAKH (EL) and Siachen: The Geo-Strategic Obstruct

Indeed, the Soltoro Ridge with the Shyok River to its West, the Siachen Glacier and the Nubra Valley and the Saser Muztagh with the Shyok River to its East, is a great geostrategic obstruct to any collusive designs of Pakistan and China. With the Sha

Locust Invasion in India

It has been a double whammy. As the nation is reeling under the effects of COVID-19 pandemic, India has to fight another menace: locust invasion. Massive swarms of desert locusts have devoured crops across seven states of wes

वास्तविक नियंत्रण रेखा पर भारत-चीन टकराव का विश्लेषण

हाल ही में एक प्रतिष्ठित लेखक ने एक प्रमुख भारतीय अखबार में एक लेख में भारत-चीन सीमा विवाद के बा�

Synthesizing Indigenisation: Civil- Defence Aviation Partnership towards Self Reliance

  1. On 16 May 2020, the Ministry of Finance announced the fourth tranche of Centre's ₹20 lakh crore fiscal stimulus1 for India. Unlike previous declarations which had addressed the needs of agriculture sector, urban poor, MSME, etc t

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