Commentaries & Articles
Exit of Mian Sahib: Nothing Changes for India

The Supreme Court of Pakistan has disqualified the Prime Minister Mian Nawaz Sharif on account of concealment of assets in his nomination papers for the 2013 General Elections. The case against Mian Sahib and his family members, began following the r....

चीन रूपी ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी का पाकिस्तान में प्रवेश

लम्बे समय से कूटनैतिक विचार विमर्श के बाद चीन और पाकिस्तान ने दोनों के बीच बनने वाले आर्थिक गलि�....

Pakistan: A Dangerous Divide

The civil-military tug of war in Pakistan has masked what could be an even more dangerous divide in the polity. This is the growing alienation among Pakhtuns in Pakistan during the last few years, culminating in the recent racial profiling of the com....

Pakistan: Evolving Dynamics

Notion of Pakistan Faiz Ahmad Faiz, expressed his disillusionment with the partition in his famous verse: Ye daghdaghujala, ye shab-gazidasahar Vointizarthajis-ka, ye vosahar to nahin, Ye vosahar to nahinjiskiarzulekar Cha....

Pakistan Needs Tough Handling

No Indian government so far has found an answer to our unique Pakistan problem. Pakistan was a product of deep divisions - of land, people and religion - accompanied by bloodshed, ethnic cleansing and refugee flows. India’s secular, multi-religious....

राष्ट्र और जनताः पाकिस्तानी पाठ्यपुस्तकों का नजरिया

इतिहास लेखन को हमेशा ही जूझना पड़ता है, एक ओर मूल्यों वाले इतिहासकारों के झुंड से और दूसरी ओर नि�....

भारत-पाक संबंध 2017 में भी तल्ख रहने की संभावना

2017 आजादी का 70वां वर्ष है और भारत तथा पाकिस्तान के बीच बंटवारे का भी। 69वें वर्ष यानी 2016 में दोनों द�....

Indo-Pak Ties Likely to Remain Fraught in 2017

2017 marks the 70th year of Independence and the ‘Great Divide’ between India and Pakistan. The 69th year – 2016 – saw a steep deterioration in the already not so normal state of relations between the two countries and it is high....

Indus Waters Treaty Revisited

Recognising the need to impose costs on Pakistan for its relentless export of terrorism to India the Modi government is having a relook at the Indus Waters Treaty. This move, the first of its kind by any Indian government, is also eminently desira....

The State and the People: Approaches from Pakistan’s Text-Books

Writing of history has always fought the battle of opinions emerging from strands of value laden historians on the one hand and the unnegotiable rule of objectivity on the other. But in the long race for establishment of nation-state and the desir....

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