Commentaries & Articles
Has China Upstaged India in Space Diplomacy?

Space exploration, once a preserve of the advanced industrialized countries, is no more being viewed as an area of esoteric research involving a huge investment and complex technological systems. Indeed, space technology has now become an indispensab....

India-US Ties: Need for Clarity, Balance

Doubts persist both in India and the United States on the substance of their strategic partnership. High-sounding declarations about the partnership being one of the defining ones of the 21st century, or one between “natural allies,” have not era....

India-China Ties: Need for a Balanced Policy

China constitutes by far our most difficult diplomatic challenge as its rise impacts us directly in view of its territorial claims on us, the unsettled Tibetan situation, the potential impact of China’s upstream river projects, its “more precious....

India’s Military Strategy Vis a Vis China

“When there is everything to fear, be unafraid. When without resources, depend on resourcefulness”, - Sun Tsu. A Legacy of Dispute The territorial dispute in the Trans-Himalayan Region is a legacy of the et....

Morsi’s Ouster: Failure of Political Islam

If the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak by the mass of protestors in Tahrir Square in 2011 was a surprise, the ouster of President Mohamed Morsi by even larger protests in Tahrir Square and across Egypt in recent days is equally dramatic. Mubarak....

Indo-US Relations: Time to Impart Momentum

The fourth India US strategic dialogue that was held in New Delhi in the last week of June was aimed at reviewing progress in bilateral relations and outlining the trajectory ahead. Given the nature of evolving Indo-US relationship, no major breakthr....

US Cyber Surveillance and Indian Vulnerability - What India Needs to do

“There is no permanent friend and there is no permanent enemy” - Chanakaya USA is not new to the controversies related to surveillance of its own citizens as well as its allies. Neither is Project PRISM a first such surveillan....

Foreign Policy under the new Chinese Leaders: India needs to be Wary

The new Chinese leaders have been active in foreign affairs almost immediately after taking over their new offices in March this year. Premier Li Keqiang visited India, Pakistan, Switzerland and Germany as part of his first outing. President Xi Jinpi....

New Iranian President: West, India Need to Wait and Watch

Hassan Rowhani’s election as President of Iran on June 14 is unlikely to materially change the dynamics of the conflict between Iran and the western powers. The “reformists” in Iran who have backed Rowhani want improved handling of Iran’s di....

Ignoring ICCR: Undermining India’s ‘Soft Diplomacy’

India’s premier and oldest agency for furthering her soft power, the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), is faced with an acute crisis of resources. The challenge is serious and yet it does not seem to have moved the powers that be. In te....

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