Protection of National Critical Information Infrastructure

India is in the next phase of digital transformation. The digital presence of economic and national security infrastructure is growing in the country at a rapid pace. All critical infrastructures are dependent and have integrated cyber technologies for management, control, and operations. Different types of software are in use. The critical systems are under various types of cyber-attacks. The complexity and numbers of attacks against critical information infrastructureare increasingand becoming sophisticated by the day.

The Parliament of India passed the Information Technology (IT) Act in 2000, and since, there has been explosive growth in the digital markets. There have been many experiments to better manage the emerging issues from cyber space in the last two decades. However, Indian cyberspace continues to be split into multiple operational spaces, and respective agencies govern each component of the space. Thiscoordination and synchronisation among the agencies is not what it should be. This has proved to be an inefficient way to solve the whole problem. Correcting the institutional dysfunctionality present in the country would bring about the required effectiveness in the national response.

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