Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: August 2020
Aayush Mohanty

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) strives to ensure relevant geo-strategic discussions by different Expert Groups covering global as well as regional issues. In that vein, the groups hosted by VIF not only focused on foreign relations but prioritised discussions on the economic aspects. This issue consists of deliberations on U.S, Pakistan, India-Sri Lanka, India-Germany, and enhancing the regional value chain in South Asia. Domain experts from India, Germany, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Nepal with years of experience discussed prospects of better trade, economic, security as well as foreign relations.

In the last two months, VIF not only held discussions with the experts but also engaged with other think tanks like Pathfinder and Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) from Sri Lanka and Germany, respectively, to discuss bilateral ties at length. The U.S Experts Group meanwhile discussed the upcoming U.S elections and technology cooperation. Experts from all over South Asia joined VIF to talk about regional value chain for the region. The newly-appointed Foreign Secretary of Sri Lanka was gracious enough to share his views and the way forward for India-Sri Lanka relations. Concurrently, China- Russia’s bilateral relationship and its implications for India was analysed by the China Expert Group.

The August-September issue contains unfaltering efforts of VIF experts and research team who gave their valuable inputs in a specified time frame. The coordinators from VIF of these meetings have made thorough reports which precisely indicate the spirit of the discussions held.

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