Vimarsh - Book Discussion on “The Kashmir Conundrum: The Quest for Peace in a Troubled Land”

The Vivekananda International Foundation organised a Vimarsh dialogue in the shape of a book discussion on “The Kashmir Conundrum: The Quest for Peace in a Troubled Land,” authored by General NC Vij, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM, on the 27th of December 2021. The event was chaired by Dr. Arvind Gupta, Director, VIF. The book discussion was followed by comments by an eminent panel consisting of Amb. Satish Chandra, Former Deputy National Security Advisor & Vice Chairman, VIF along with Lt Gen S A Hasnain, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM, SM (Bar), Former GOC 15 Corps.

Climate Change and India’s Energy Choices

On 22nd November, Vivekananda International Foundation organized a Vimarsh on ‘Climate Change and India’s Energy Choices’ by Ambassador Dinkar Srivastava, IFS (Retd)- Former Ambassador of Iran, Czech Republic and Libya & Distinguished Fellow, VIF. Introductory remarks were given by Dr Arvind Gupta, Director VIF, in which he introduced the speaker and gave his brief point of view on COP26.

Virtual Vimarsh on 'Indo-US Relations' by Amb Arun Singh

To discuss the trends in Indo-US relations and the potential trajectory of the bilateral partnership, the Vivekananda International Foundation organised a virtual Vimarsh on 29 October. The opening remarks were made by the VIF director Dr. Arvind Gupta. A detailed presentation on the theme was made by career diplomat Amb. Arun K Singh who has previously served as the Indian ambassador in the US, France and Israel. He is currently a member of the National Security Advisory Board (NSAB) as well as a distinguished fellow at VIF.

Vimarsh on India’s Drug Challenge

On the 11th of October 2021, the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) as part of its Vimarsh Dialogue series organised a presentation by Shri Jayant Misra, IRS (Retd) and former Chairman of the Settlement Commission, on India’s Drug Challenge. Dr Arvind Gupta, Director VIF, welcomed the speaker and delivered his opening remarks.

Talk by Shri V. Srinivas on Administrative Reforms: Challenges and Opportunities

On 20th August 2021, the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organized a talk by Shri V. Srinivas, Additional Secretary to Government of India, the DAPRG and Director General, National Centre for Good Governance on Administrative Reforms: Challenges and Opportunities. Dr Arvind Gupta, Director VIF, welcomed Shri V. Srinivas and delivered his opening remarks.

Vimarsha Address by Dr Ajay Kumar, Defence Secretary, Govt. of India talk on 'India's Defence Reforms'

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) invited Dr Ajay Kumar, Defence Secretary, Govt. of India for a public discourse on 'India's Defence Reforms'. The talk was organised under the aegis of Vimarsha, a platform offered by the VIF to enable eminent persons, academicians, media personnel et al to engage directly with policy thinkers over a wide range of contemporary and historical issues.

Foreign Secretary’s Vimarsh Talk on "Global Rebalancing and India's Foreign Policy"

In the series of Vimarsh public lectures delivered by eminent personalities, the VIF hosted an online talk by India’s Foreign Secretary, Shri Harsh V. Shringla on 30 June 2021. Dr Arvind Gupta, Director VIF, in his welcome address outlined how the world is heading towards complex multipolarity amidst increasingly challenging issues such as climate change; pandemics; trade and technology competition; the deepening of grey zone conflicts; rising inequalities; race for resources;

Vimarsha: "Shaping the Armed Forces to meet likely Current and Future Challenges", by General BipinRawat, Chief of Defence Staff.

Under the Vimarsha series of lectures organized by the VIF on 07 April 2021,General Bipin Rawat, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM, YSM, SM, VSM, ADC, Chief of Defence Staff spoke on 'Shaping the Armed Forces to meet likely Current and Future Challenges'. It was followed with an equally exhaustive Q&A session. The CDS covered a wide spectrum in his talk, covering the issues of evolving nature of threats to India’s security, complexities in modern warfare, hybrid wars, implications of China’s rise, Pakistan’s proxy war against India, India’s military preparedness and the role of military diplomacy.

Vimarsha on Defining Democracy by Dr. A Surya Prakash

In the recent past, several reports have come out questioning the functioning of the Indian democracy. Responding to these reports, the Indian Foreign Ministry said that India had “robust institutions and well established democratic practices” and did not “need sermons especially from those who cannot get their basics right.” Ministry further stated that the political judgments of the report were “inaccurate and distorted”.

Vimarsh - Role of the Indian Army in dealing with the Contemporary National Security Challenges by General Manoj Mukund Naravane, PVSM, AVSM, SM, VSM, ADC (Chief of the Army Staff)

The Chief of Army Staff General Manoj Mukund Naravane PVSM, AVSM, SM, VSM, ADC spoke on the “Role of the Indian Army (IA) in dealing with the Contemporary National Security Challenges” during the Vimarsh series of lecture organised by VIF on 24 Feb 2021. He spoke about the developing security mosaic, how it is shapingthe Indian Army and the contribution of IA towards nation building.

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