The Shanghai Cooperation Organization: An Assessment

The recent summit meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is a watershed one in more than one respect. In the 15 years of its existence as a regional grouping, the SCO is on the verge of a new phase in its evolution. A phase that is complex and complicated.

ZARB-e-AZB: An Evaluation of Pakistan Army's Anti-Taliban Operations in North Waziristan

Preface Terrorism has been synonymous with Pakistan for years. Post 9/11, Pakistan had an opportunity to make a break with its use of jihadist terrorism as an instrument of state policy. But despite all the international pressure and notwithstanding all its claims of becoming a frontline partner in the Global War on Terror, Pakistan continued to support and provide sanctuary to jihadists, especially those who escaped the US-led offensive in Afghanistan.

Nepal The Framing of a New Constitution: History, Issues and Challenges

Preface Nepal has experienced some catalytic political changes in the recent decades. The Maoist insurgency, the monarchy’s assertion to direct rule, the reinstallation of democratic rule through the second democratic movement and the polarization of the Maoists and the other political forces of the country to restructure the Nepalese state, etc have been some of the significant developments.

VIF JINF Joint Study Launched - Framework for Indo-Japanese Strategic Partnership and Cooperation

Introduction As against the initial decades of the 20th century which saw a sharply divided world, the first two decades of the new millennium are witnessing a coming together of people and nations increasingly due to factors such as economic interests, political ideologies, common civilisational values and mutually shared concerns for global challenges.

India: Strategic Challenges and Responses

Introduction The above subject has been primarily dealt from the foreign policy and security point of view. Many believe that strategic challenges should now include those relating to energy, environment, population, food, health, climate change and the like.

China’s Strategic Posture in Tibet Autonomous Region and India’s Response

Relations between India and China are poised to affect and influence the global economic and strategic aggregates, which would significantly determine peace, security and stability in Asia in the coming decades. History denotes that interaction between two emerging powers is a contrasting blend of harmony and discord; India and China are no exception. The expanding economic and trade engagement between the two countries on one hand, and concomitant muscle flexing on the other, is a representation of this contrasting dyad.

China’s Involvement in India’s Internal Security Threats: An Analytical Appraisal

Twenty-first-century India faces multifarious security challenges. At the core of India’s security concerns is its ‘internal security’ – a major national security challenge. Among many imponderable factors of India’s security calculus, internal security is regarded as one of the principal underlying aspects.

The State of Public Education in Afghanistan: Political Problems, and Future Prospects

The advent of the 21st century marked a unique era for Afghanistan. Presumably, an end was put to the wearisome conflict in late 2001, and a new chapter full of unprecedented and complicated pages was opened. Surviving every hardship in the last moments of the 20th century, the education sector of the country, like the other sectors, became the focal point of the international communities and aid agencies. In other words, following the immediate installation of the new government in 2002, high priority was given to the education sector.

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