Swami Vivekananda and the New Gospel of ‘Manliness’

(This Commentary has been written to commemorate the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. Before the new generation misconstrues, Manliness is truly defined as ‘Purusharth’. - Ed) On the occasion of the 156th birth annive....

Challenges of Migration

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to this seminar on ‘The Challenges of Migration’ that India has been facing for a long time.

Challenge of Illegal Migration
The main dimensions of the challenge are well-known. Tens of ....

Situation in China in 2019

2019, which also heralds China’s ‘Year of the Boar’ from February 5, will probably be a difficult year for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leadership and for Chinese President Xi Jinping, who has concentrated power unprecedented since the tim....

Emerging Situation in Pakistan in 2019

Pakistan presently faces some critical challenges but also has few opportunities they can build on. The challenges include Pakistan’s severe economic crisis, Imran’s proclaimed fight against corruption and corrupt politicians, water crisis, extr....

40th Anniversary of ‘Reform & Opening Up’: Xi’s Plain-Speak

Cassandras have failed every time they sought to predict end of the Chinese dream-run. They have sought to focus on the nation’s high internal indebtedness; they have talked about how the export-led economy would have crash landing soon; and China�....

Challenges and Opportunities ahead for Parties in 2019

Somebody is going to win and someone will lose in the 2019 general election, but both the winners and the losers will have to face challenges thereafter — not just at the personal level but ones that concern the nation. And these challenges have to....

Forecast on Developments in the South China Sea in 2019

Looking into 2019, the South China Sea is like a lit fuse which can lead to conflagration without warning. The rhetoric between China and the US is becoming so incandescent that avoidance of a violent naval clash has become a main subject of discussi....

Geo-strategic Outlook for the Indo-Pacific in 2019

The primary geopolitical challenges in 2019 in the Indo-Pacific will arise due to the changing relations between the USA and China. India, Japan, Australia, Islamic republic of Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Russian Federation will all contribute their b....

India Navigating Global Security in 2019 – Challenges, Opportunities and Prescriptions

A New Year brings hope but what follows may be 365 days of uncertainty in the complex world of international security. A combination of apriori-cum-empirical survey of challenges and opportunities would facilitate adopting the right approach to proac....

Indo-Pak Relations in 2019

Indo-Pak relations have been on a rollercoaster for the past seven decades. Will 2019 be any different? Four factors are likely to define how Indo-Pak relations will shape in 2019: The role of the Pakistan army and its perception of India; Imran K....

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