China’s Impending Economic Slowdown is a Mixed Bag for Africa

China’s impending economic slowdown promises to send shockwaves through the world’s economies and is compelling them to assess exposure and explore mitigation strategies. Nowhere is the imperative more pressing than in Africa, where linkages with....

Does Data Tell everything about Tibet?

Under Xi Jinping the heavy handedness of the Chinese government has consistently increased in Tibet. The Chinese government has ordered the Tibetan families who are beneficiaries of the government’s aid to replace the images of the Dalai Lama and o....

Pakistan Government’s Cabinet Reshuffle: Crisis Management and the Role of Deep State

Pakistan Government's cabinet recently underwent a reshuffle, and the removal of Asad Umar and Fawad Chaudhary from their respective portfolios (Finance Ministry and Information and Broadcasting Ministry) comes across as a change of course in the civ....

Women Service Officers as Defence or Military Attache`s: Government has to do more to Ensure its Success

India`s defence minister has recently declared that the government has decided to appoint Women service officers as defence or military attaches in the Indian missions abroad. Though this decision has been hailed from many quarters and is being toute....

The Arab Spring Reborn

When it was generally assumed that the Arab Spring that began by felling dictators one by one in 2011 (Ben Ali in Tunisia, Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, Muhammed Ghaddafi in Libya, followed by Ali Saleh in Yemen in 2012) had lost its way, with none of the....

5G - Deliberating the Pros and Cons

Data Pipe-Line of the Future
Major telecom companies of the world are working feverishly to roll-out 5G or 5th Generation technology based advanced wireless systems. This will increase the speed of data transmission, will have faster resp....

A Tale of two UN Resolutions on Cyber-security

In December 2018, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) adopted two important resolutions: 73/271 on ‘Developments in the Field of Information And Telecommunications in The Context of International Security’; and, 73/2662 on ‘Adv....

Threats to Women’s Rights in Afghanistan

“Only the terrorist and the Taliban forbid education to the women. Only the terrorist and the Taliban threaten to pull out women’s fingernails for wearing nail polish….the fight against terrorism is also a fight for the rights and dignity of....

Putin’s recent Visit to Kyrgyzstan: Major Takeaways

The Russian President’s visit to Kyrgyzstan is considered to be significant at a time when there is a strong anti-Chinese sentiments arising within the local Kyrgyz population regarding the arrest of ethnic Kyrgyz in Xinjiang....

An End to Bashir’s Three Decades of Rule in Sudan

Sudan, the largest country on the African continent, lies in the northeast region of Africa. Chad, the Central Africa Republic, Egypt, Libya, Ethiopic, Eritrea, Kenya, Uganda, and Democratic Republic of the Congo are its neighboring countries. It i....

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