bilateral Relations
View: Modi's visit shows our relations with Russia not legacy holdout

That Prime Minister Narendra Modi's much-anticipated and watched journey to Moscow, his first bilateral visit following the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, was opportune and overdue tells something about India-Russia ties. PM Modi and President Vladimir...

Visiting Delegations Report - February 2024

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) was visited by several delegations during the month of February. These included representatives of nine countries, Europe, and a delegation from the SWIFT. Diverse range of issues were discussed,...

Bilateral Ties Through Various Political Changes in Myanmar

In this podcast, join Amb VS Seshadri and Cchavi Vasisht to discuss Amb Seshadri's chapter titled ‘Bilateral Ties Through Various Political Changes in Myanmar’ based on the edited book recently published by the VIF on Revisiting Myanmar.

Foreign Secretary’s Visit to Myanmar: Border Security Gets Foremost Priority

The latest visit by the Indian Foreign Secretary, Vinay Mohan Kwatra, to Myanmar on 20-21 November 2022[1] brings back attention to India’s foremost priority, which is border management and security in Northeast India. The Indian delegation led by...

Talk on "India and Maldives Bilateral Relations"

On 06 September 2021, the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organised a talk on “India-Maldives-bilateral Relations”. India-Maldives relations had made progress in the last couple of years. These relations are backed by positive activity,...

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