Neighborhood News Digest- 01 July 2024

Afghanistan Mujahid at Doha 3: Islamic Emirate Committed to Positive Engagement-Tolo News Zabihullah Mujahid, head of the delegation of the Islamic Emirate, at the inauguration ceremony of the third Doha meeting on Afghanistan, said that Kabul’s...

Neighborhood News Digest- 14 June 2024

Afghanistan PM's Office Discusses Second Sarobi Dam and Jawzjan Gas Power Projects-Tolo News The Economic Commission of the Prime Minister's Office in a meeting discussed the construction of the second Sarobi Dam in Kabul province and the production...

Cultural and Civilisational Newsletter : February-2024

(Cultural and civilisational issues are vital as they shape societies, influencing values, norms, and identities. Understanding these aspects fosters harmony, tolerance, and cooperation among diverse communities. Addressing cultural concerns...

Neighborhood News Digest – 30 November 2023

Afghanistan Stanikzai: Afghan Embassy in India to Reopen in Coming Days- Tolo News Following the halting of operations of the Afghan embassy in India, now Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, said that the embassy will...

Environmental Awareness in the Vedas

A webinar was held on August 26, 2020 where the main speaker, Prof. Shashi Prabha Kumar, Dean, Sri Sankaracharya Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan gave her second lecture in the series, Indian Philosophy for Beginners, organised by the...

International Day for Monuments & Sites 2020: The Indian Scenario

In 1983, the 22nd General Conference of the UNESCO approved the establishment of the International Day for Monuments and Sites by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), the only global NGO that works for the conservation and...

Politics and Implications of US Withdrawal from the UNESCO

On Thursday, 12th October, 2017, the Trump Administration abruptly announced that United States would withdraw from its membership of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation or the UNESCO. Israel made a similar...

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