Xi Jinping
What does Eighth Party Congress of North Korea Reveal?

Introduction North Korea held the Eighth Congress of the Workers’ Party (WPK) after a gap of four and half years. It started on 5 January and lasted for unusually prolonged eight days until 12 January. The previous Congresses were held in 1946, 1948...

Xi Jinping Further Strengthens Chinese Communist Party’s ‘Magic Weapon’-The United Front Work Department

China is making efforts to arrest the slide in US-China relations and lower temperatures after Joe Biden takes over as President on January 20. In addition to Chinese Politburo member and former Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi’s plans for visiting...

US-Taiwan Relations under Joe Biden Administration

Amongst many of the sensitive issues that Joe Biden will inherit, the US-Taiwan relations is going to be of critical importance for the US, Indo-Pacific strategy. Tsai Ing-wen has already congratulated Joe Biden on Twitter, she wrote: “The values on...

Understanding the Complexities and Paradoxes of the Chinese Dream

The oft-quoted slogan “Chinese dream” by the President Xi Jinping, which was under spotlight when it was introduced, has gained widespread attention and jitters in China and the outside world. Inside China, the Chinese dream is everywhere, on...

PLA: Reading Tea Leaves<sup>1</sup>

Any study of PLA gets hit by the wall of opacity or broad based sources, lacking as it is of military transparency and accountability. Xinhua or People’s Daily or Global Times tend to enjoy official patronage and state the official line in terms of...

Xinjiang: China’s Playground for Repressing Uyghurs

“Great crimes feed on great silences. And the Uyghur today have fallen into a kind of black hole”.1 - Dilnur Reyhan, President of the European Uyghur Institute The quote is a part of an open letter by Dilnur Reyhan and Raphael Glucksman (Member of...

इस सहमति में कई पेच हैं

गुरुवार को भारत और चीन के विदेश मंत्रियों की मुलाकात के बाद पांच बिंदुओं का एक साझा बयान जारी किया गया है। यह बैठक काफी अहम थी, क्योंकि इसका मकसद वास्तविक नियंत्रण रेखा पर पूर्वी लद्दाख में चरम पर पहुंचे तनाव को कम करना था। मॉस्को रवाना होने से पहले...

India-China Face Off- Has China Committed a Faux Pas?

China has committed a grave error in triggering a military confrontation in Ladakh. It has underestimated the Indian resolve to stand up to its bullying tactics. Doklam should have been a warning to China that its military efforts to gain...

Floods in China: Yet another critical test for Xi Jinping

Floods in China are an annual phenomenon. This year’s flood comes at the time when China is already battling the COVID-19 which has hit 27 out of 31 provinces of China. Since June, torrential rain in China has broken all records. It is the most...

India’s Chinese Conundrum

“China is a sleeping giant. Let her sleep, for when she wakes she will move the world” (Xinran, 2011). This quote, attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte acknowledges the unprecedented change the rise of China will bring about in the world. In the field...

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