Indira Gandhi
June 26, 2024: Golden Jubilee of the Blackest Day

Three generations of Indians who grew later remained illiterates about the very fact of Emergency and about how Constitution ceased to exist and autocracy was institutionalised by it. Rahul Gandhi was waving the Constitution of India as Prime...

Western Media’s Distorted Views on India

US President Joe Biden recently remarked that countries such as India and Japan were facing financial troubles because they were ‘xenophobic’—they discouraged immigrants. After the statement sparked a controversy, the US administration engaged in...

Discussion on ‘Emergency: Darkest Hour in Indian Democracy’,

A discussion was held at the VIF on 24th June 2019 on the eve of 34 years since the declaration of the National Emergency in India. The idea behind was to retell stories related to Emergency - considered as one of the darkest periods in the history...

Sardar Patel, Unifier of Modern India, by RNP Singh, Vitasta Publishing Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, Mar 2018, Rs 795

RNP Singh has lucidly narrated the heroic saga of integrating the nation by indomitable Sardar Vallabhbai Patel by incorporating the princely territories into it. The account refreshes the memory of struggle to keep together the parts of the...

Book Discussion by Bertil Falk, a Swedish author, on his book ‘Feroze: The Forgotten Gandhi’

A round table talk with Bertil Falk was organised by the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF), on Oct 6, 2017, on his book ‘Feroze: The Forgotten Gandhi’. The author Bertil Folk is a Swedish author whose book was released last year. The talk...

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