National Health Mission
‘Viksit Bharat’ Not a Chimera, it’s Doable

Ever since Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave a call for ‘Viksit Bharat’, or a developed India, by the year 2047, there has been a great deal of buzz over the catchphrase. So, what are the requirements that a country must meet to be called ‘developed...

The Boat Clinics of the Brahmaputra: Life, Hope, Healing

A few months back, the national lockdown to battle the Covid-19 was in its early critical phase and a boat clinic in Assam’s Dhemaji district on the mighty Brahmaputra was on its regular way to a routine camp on one of the thousands of islands or...

Lockdown Week 2: Let us Think of Self-reliance

As India completes second week of the 21-day nationwide lockdown, the attention is now shifting to the post lockdown scenarios. Fresh thinking is required to rebuild India in the post-corona world. An indefinite lockdown is not possible. The...

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