Tablighi Jamaat
Notes from the Sub-continent – April 2020

As coronavirus infections continue to rise around the globe, much of the media focus in the Indian sub-continent has remained focussed, as expected, on different aspects of the pandemic--how are governments managing this public health crisis, do...

Leveraging COVID-19 for a Better Tomorrow

As we are about to enter lockdown 4.0 it is an opportune moment to evaluate how India has handled the Covid-19 challenge so far, to assess the evolving situation both in terms of the progression of the disease and its ramifications, and to...

Tablighi Jamaat in India: Evolution and Impact

Brief Profile of Tablighi Jamaat (TJ) The outbreak of COVID 19 pandemic in India coincided with headlines news in the Indian media on TJ. On 2 April 20 Lav Agarwal Joint Secretary Ministry of Health and Family Welfare stated ‘COVID-19 cases are...

Post Tablighi Jamaat Fiasco - The Way Forward

Last one week has seen an exponential rise in N-COVID-19 cases, with the religious congregation of Tablighi Jamaat (TJ) followers at the Markaz in Delhi, acting as a significant trigger. It is appalling that despite so many advisories from the state...

Tablighi Jamaat - its other, evil side

Global security experts call it the antechamber of fundamentalism, claim it is used to nurse and indoctrinate terrorists. Except intelligence officials, national security experts and the wary among police officials, not many Indians would have heard...

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