COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, April 29, 2020

Medical Coronavirus: How do biosafety laboratories work? The biosafety laboratories are divided into four biosafety levels (BSL) or pathogen/protection levels. At the lowest level of biosafety, precautions may consist in regular hand-washing and...

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, April 28, 2020

Medical Doctors debate when best to place virus patients on ventilators During the early stages of the outbreak, doctors in many countries placed patients on to ventilators based on low levels of blood oxygen. “At the beginning we were treating the...

Diaspora in Doldrums

Covid 19 virus has brought the world to a standstill and imposed an overly defensive mode. Countries are cut off with one another with increasing restrictions on movement. Only stranded citizens or some special categories have been allowed to be...


The situation seems to be: To responsibility Xi-rk, The Chinese will Xi-lly shally, As long as delay will work To get them out of a Xi-t hole, So they make a lot of Xi-ndig, Knowing their armour has a WHO-le, They think that by some Xi-bang big Of...

Coronavirus Speeded Pace of Change for India

Since the lockdown started in India, all along the clock, there has been constant chatter on coronavirus, be it on TV, internet or conversations at home. There is a high degree of pessimism and confusion on how the pandemic would resolve itself and...

Experiments & Applications: S&T in Coronavirus Pandemic

Throughout the history of pandemics, technology has played its role in many ways in proliferating infectious diseases to a wider area. However, it’s the same science and technology (S&T) research and innovations that also provide a way out of...

Ramzan Amidst Battle Against Coronavirus

Introduction One of the most potent weapons against combatting Covid-19 pandemic is the norm of social distancing. Social congregation is an anathema to the norm of social distancing. Therefore, during the time when Covid-19 has spread its tentacles...

Covid-19 - Africa the Next Battle Ground

Covid 19 virus has pervaded the globe and, in the bargain, has hit the developed countries the most. While the struggle against it is on the war footing with experimenting leadership all around, another populous and important continent is faced with...

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, April 24, 2020

Strategic US blasts China at Southeast Asian meeting on coronavirus US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told his Southeast Asian counterparts on April 23 that China is taking advantage of the world's preoccupation with the coronavirus pandemic to...

Preparing for A Post-Corona World

The Novel Coronavirus has not only taken over the year 2020, it will have ramifications for decades to come. Changes to societal norms and developmental priorities, and de-globalisation forces gaining momentum are just some of the expected...

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