Constituent Assembly
Saying ‘No’ to Religion-Centric Reservations

Every now and then, especially during election seasons but even otherwise, the subject of providing reservations based on religion is raised by somebody or the other, whether in the political field or outside. On occasions, a few state governments...

Sengol – Obliterate history, deny after discovery

"The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history,” said George Orwell. The latest Indian example of how Orwell’s dictum works is the obliteration of the Sengol ceremony from the history of...

Understanding the Constitutional Provisions on Citizenship in the Current Context

A furious debate is on in the country over the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019. Protests erupted in parts of the country and, unfortunately, some of them turned violent. Lives were lost and public and private property damaged. But there have also...

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