Gorbachev’s Legacy: A Reformer Who Lost the Game

Mikhail Gorbachev, the last General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party and the last president of the Soviet Union, passed away in Moscow on 30 August 2022 at the age of 91. He was no ordinary leader. He was the principal architect of the end of...

China: Daily Scan, September 02, 2022

Domestic, overseas press invited to cover 20th CPC national congress: Xinhuanet September 1, 2022 Both domestic and overseas press have been invited to cover the upcoming 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), according to an...

A Way out from the Dangers of Nuclear Leakage and Fallout from Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant

Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station in south-eastern Ukraine is in the crosshairs of the Russia-Ukraine conflict since March this year. The power station, largest in Europe and one of the three presently operative nuclear power generation sources of...

China: Daily Scan, August 30, 2022

Over 8,100 officials punished for violating China's frugality rules: Xinhuanet August 29, 2022 A total of 8,185 Chinese officials were punished in July for violating the country's eight-point code on improving Party and government conduct, China's...

Role of Cyber-enabled Technologies in the Russia-Ukraine Armed Conflict

The cyber conflict has blurred the distinctions between state-backed hackers and patriotic amateurs, making it harder for governments to determine who attacks them and respond effectively. However, both Russia and Ukraine appear to have welcomed...

Biden’s visit to M.E., Energy Crisis and Recession

The sharp increase in oil prices following the Ukraine war brought President Biden to Saudi Arabia. This was seen as a departure from the position taken by candidate Biden during his election campaign when he had criticized the Crown Prince and...

VIF Cyber Review: July 2022

NATIONAL Government of India issued a consultation paper on the “Need for a new legal framework governing Telecommunication in India”. On 28 July 2022, the Ministry of Communications, Department of Telecommunications, Govt. of India, prepared a...

Ukraine and the post-Cold War disorder

The war in Ukraine is in its sixth month, with no clarity on an endgame. Russia reiterates it will not back down, until it achieves its original objectives. Ukraine seeks more heavy weaponry from the West, to drive Russian forces back to their pre-...

China: Daily Scan, August 8, 2022

China announces eight countermeasures in response to Pelosi’s Taiwan island visit: Global Times August 05, 2022 China announces eight countermeasures in response to Pelosi's Taiwan visit: 1. Canceling China-US Theater Commanders Talk. 2. Canceling...

Russia-Ukraine Conflict and International Developments: An Indian Perspective

(This is an updated version of the presentation made at an international conference organised by National Institute of International Strategy, CASS, Beijing on “Russia-Ukraine Conflict and International Developments” on 26 July 2022) The Russia-...

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