India’s Foreign Policy: A Reader ; Edited by Kanti P Bajpai and Harsh V Pant; Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2013; PP 452; Price Rs 1095

Kanti Bajpai and Harsh V. Pant have edited this book for the benefit of graduate students studying Indian foreign policy, those teaching the subject as well as the general reader interested in its key aspects. It is a compilation of 14 essays, apart...

China’s Involvement in India’s Internal Security Threats: An Analytical Appraisal

Twenty-first-century India faces multifarious security challenges. At the core of India’s security concerns is its ‘internal security’ – a major national security challenge. Among many imponderable factors of India’s security calculus, internal...

A Report on Seminar: ‘Tibet in the Aftermath of Devolution of Political Authority’

On 6 & 7 September 2011, the Vivekanada International Foundation (VIF) organised a conference on ‘Tibet in the Aftermath of Devolution of Political Authority’. The conference was designed to address topics like Tibetan politics and new...

Swedish Defence Delegation Interacts with VIF

A high level Defence Ministry delegation from Government of Sweden led by Dr. Hans-Christian Hagman, Senior Advisor, Secretariat for strategy & Security Analysis, Swedish Ministry of Defence visited Vivekananda International Foundation on May 11...


Mr Wenchyi Ong, head of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Centre in New Delhi had a lively interaction on July 21st with a cross section of the Indian business community, security analysts, former diplomats, the academe and scholars at the...

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