Neighborhood News Digest- 30 April 2024

Afghanistan From spring offensive to charm offensive: The Taliban are working to woo tourists to Afghanistan - Times of India Around 30 men are crammed into a Kabul classroom, part of the debut student cohort at a Taliban-run institute training...

Neighborhood News Digest – 7 July 2023

Afghanistan Understanding the fall in Opium production in Afghanistan – ORF Recent reports and satellite imagery show an almost 80 percent fall in the opium crop in the south and south-western provinces of Afghanistan. The United Nations Office on...

Neighborhood News Digest – 10 April 2023

Afghanistan Russia to participate in foreign ministers meeting of countries neighbouring Afghanistan – The Print Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will head the Russian delegation at the fourth foreign ministers’ meeting of the neighbouring...

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest - December 02, 2022

Afghanistan Dysfunctional Banking System Contributed to Crisis: Alakbarov: Tolo News The Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Humanitarian Coordinator, Ramiz Alakbarov, said that there are several factors that have contributed...

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