The coroning ignominy Will come when we discover The roots of the conspiracy And the “WHO-HAN” link uncover Ideas whether batty or not Immersed in Made-in-China soup At all that thrown into the pot The world must look at with a loop China may want...


At Wuhan at the market wet Where bats and pangolins are sold The stage for the virus was set To bring the world into its fold In November came an alert There was a new pneumonic strain The researcher who saw it first Rang bells but it was all in...

Interaction with Dr. Anantha Nageswaran

"The Chinese Economy: Trump Effect, Deleveraging, or Both?" The Vivekananda International Foundation organized an interaction with Dr Anantha Nageswaran (non-permanent Member of PM Economic Advisory Council and Distinguished Fellow, VIF) on 5th...

‘China’s Future’, by David Shambaugh, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2016, Pages: 203, Price: $ 19.95, ISBN: 978-15095-0714-6

The path which China will pursue in the coming future is one of the most debated and discussed topic among the current academic and policy making circle. The direction which Chinese politics, society and economy adopt almost directly impacts a large...

Xi's Tightening Control over the Media

... The Chinese media has successfully invented novel ways to bypass the authority of the state since 1978. But after Xi Jinping came to power in 2012, the balance has shifted heavily in favour of the government. Xi has adopted a host of new methods...

चीनी कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी का 19वां अधिवेशन

लगभग 8.8 करोड़ सदस्यों वाली चीनी कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी सीसीपी का आगामी 19वां अधिवेशन केवल शी चिनफिंग और चीन के लिए ही महत्वपूर्ण नहीं है बल्कि चीन के पड़ोसियों और दुनिया के लिए भी इसका महत्व है। इससे वह मार्ग प्रशस्त होगा, जिस पर चीन को चलना है। 19वें...

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