Election Commission
Neighborhood News Digest- 18 June 2024

Afghanistan Afghans Celebrate Eid Without Security Incidents-Tolo News Residents of the capital and other provinces of the country celebrated the first day of Eid al-Adha by performing the Eid prayer, slaughtering animals, and going to parks. Some...

Neighborhood News Digest – 30 November 2023

Afghanistan Stanikzai: Afghan Embassy in India to Reopen in Coming Days- Tolo News Following the halting of operations of the Afghan embassy in India, now Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, said that the embassy will...

Neighborhood News Digest – 24 April 2023

Afghanistan Women in Afghanistan banned from participating in Eid celebrations - Mid Day In another harsh restriction, the Taliban has prohibited women from attending Eid celebrations in two provinces of Afghanistan reported local media. The...

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest - December 12, 2022

Afghanistan Clashes Occur Across Durand Line at Spin Boldak: Tolo News Clashes between the forces of the Islamic Emirate and Pakistan military happened along the Durand Line in Spin Boldak port, a spokesman told TOLOnews. Haji Zaid, a spokesman...

White Mutiny or a Grey Revolution in Belarus -Only time will Tell

Who wants to give up power anyway? History of the long serving leaders abdicating before the time is ripe has rare entries even if the writing on the wall was rather clear. In last decade it has happened to several North African leaders as a...

Round Table at the VIF on Elections 2019 by Dr. A. Surya Prakash, Chairman, Prasar Bharti

During the course of the elections, Dr. A Surya Prakash visited the states of Karnataka, Haryana, Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal to understand how the people were voting. He shared his impression and insight during two round table...

Resilient Democracy of India

India, the largest democracy of the world, has come out successful in conduct in elections all through the last 70 years of its independence. The Indian democracy in spite of being often referred as new democracy, its political system and political...

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