Neighborhood News Digest- 30 May 2024

Afghanistan Foreign Ministry Welcomes Moscow's Stance on the Interim Government-Tolo News The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate today (Wednesday) in a statement praised Russia's stance on engaging with the interim government. The...

Radicalisation in Bharat: Case Studies of Kashmir and Kerala

Introduction Bharat has been facing terrorism ever since it became independent in 1947. Post-invasion of Kashmir by Pakistan-sponsored militants in October 1948 and followed by the defeat in the Indo-Pak war in 1965, Pakistan realised that it was...

China's Mediation Role in the Saudi Arabia-Iran Deal

Amb. Anil Trigunayat, Distinguished Fellow at VIF evaluates China's role in the recent rapprochement agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia. He also touches upon India's policy in the West Asian region in light of the resetting of relations between...

West Asia Roundup-December 2022

Abstract: For West Asia, 2022 ended with a hectic diplomatic activity. Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) of Saudi Arabia visited several countries in the region to ensure the presence of West Asian leaders at the ensuing...

The Iraqi Political Conundrum

Iraq’s problems do not seem to go away. Any effort for a domestic stabilization always meets with an unequal and more intense opposing force. Politico- religious leaders hold the sway. External powers play their own games in keeping their stables...

West Asia Round up-July 2022

Abstract: After 19 months into his Presidency the US Administration decided that President Joe Biden embark on a ‘mending fences’ visit to West Asia including Israel, Palestine and Saudi Arabia to interact bilaterally and regionally with GCC++...

West Asia Round up-June 2022

Abstract: One of the most important aspects during the month was engaging and hectic diplomatic activity and high level visits. Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman visited Jordan, Egypt and Turkey (June 20-22) essentially aiming at rapprochement and...

The Presence of Islamic State-Khurasan Province in Taliban-Controlled Afghanistan

नाततायिवधे दोषो हन्तुर्भवति कश्चन । प्रकाशं वाप्रकाशं वा मन्युस्तं मन्युमृच्छति ॥ [Translation: No evil of any kind accrues to the slayer for killing a desperado, either openly or secretly; as it is only Fury recoiling upon Fury.]   ...

Global Terrorism Trends in 2021 & Projections for 2022

संधिविग्रहयोस्तुल्यायां वृद्धौ संधिमुपेयात्। [Translation: If there is an equal benefit in peace or war, he (the king) should choose peace.] -Arthashastra 7.2.1 Amid the pandemic situation triggered by Wuhan virus aka COVID-19, the year 2021...

Elections in Iraq- Uncomfortable Outcome

Democracy’s downside is the prevailing dissatisfaction among those who lose an election. But then they have a hope that next time round they have a chance. Democracy is a state of mind, and the mindsets do take time to change. But democratic...

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