International Relations/Diplomacy
African Continental Free Trade Area to Boost the Continent’s Economy

“… political will of African governments must be backed by efforts to materialise what nations have agreed upon … there is a dire need to effectively implement the agreement under the guidance of good leadership in order to ensure that the objectives of AfCTA are achieved and properly implemented …”

Troubled Times for China Technology - The Huawei Imbroglio

… push for 5G is commendable, but unless there is an overhaul of R&D in India, the security dilemma will always persist. With China’s orientation towards creating future technologies, the risks will not just persist on India’s borders but in the digital and cyberspace too ...”

Assessment of Chinese Military Modernisation and Its Implications for India

Ever since its creation, China has been claiming territories of numerous countries. There have been wars and clashes, and the usual tone of policy statements has remained assertive. After annexing Tibet the Communist China has described China as a palm with Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Arunachal and Ladakh as the country`s five fingers. It is pertinent to note that some maps have even shown Assam and the Andaman Islands as a part of China.

Understanding China’s Belt and Road Initiative

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organised a seminar on 8 April, 2019, on ‘Understanding China’s Belt and Road Initiative’. The deliberations were divided in three broad themes: Aims and Drivers of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI); Belt and Road Initiative and Regional Perspective; and India’s approach to Belt and Road Initiative. Dr. Arvind Gupta, Director, VIF delivered the opening remarks. Amb. Ashok Kantha, Mr. Jayadeva Ranade, Prof. Sujit Dutta, Dr. Pankaj Jha, Mr. Sushant Sareen, Dr. Sreeradha Datta, Amb. D.P Srivastava, Amb. Anil Wadhwa, Dr. Ruchita Beri, Amb. Arun K.

Interaction with the Visiting Chinese Delegation led by Amb Yang Yanyi

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) hosted a Chinese delegation led by Amb. Yang Yanyi, (Former Head of the Chinese Mission to the European Union). She was accompanied by Mr Zhu Feng, Executive Director of China Center for Collaborative Studies of the South China Sea, Nanjing University, Mr Luo Yi, Deputy Division Director, the Department of Asian Affairs of Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and Ms Chen Xiaoli, Second Secretary, the Department of Policy Planning of MFA. Lt Gen Ravi Sawhney presided over the interaction.

India’s Defence Cooperation with South East Asian Countries: Need for Proactive and Substantive Action

… with the global and regional dynamics remaining in a state of flux it should be India’s effort to build on the existing defence and security relationships .. as also strive to enhance such an engagement with other members of ASEAN whose interests are more inclined towards China or elsewhere... most of these nations see India as somewhat of a benign balancer in the South East Asian region …

Interaction with the Ambassador Gonchig Ganbold

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) hosted the Ambassador of Mongolia, Gonchig Ganbold on 26 June 2019. Dr Arvind Gupta delivered the welcome remarks. In his remarks, he emphasized the cultural and historical linkages between both sides.

Interaction with the Delegation from the Prospect Foundation

The Vivekananda International Foundation hosted a delegation from the Prospect Foundation, Taipei led by Dr Mark Tan-sun Chen. The other members of the delegation were Dr Joanne Jaw-ling Chang Chyou, Dr Arthur Shufan Ding, Dr Ming-fang Tsai, Dr Mei-fong Huang, The Prospect Foundation and Ms Yueh-wen Chen. Dr Arvind Gupta, Director, VIF delivered the opening remarks and presided over the session.

Seminar on ‘Shipping, Ship-ownership and Shipbuilding in India: Policies, Praxis and Prospects’

A seminar was organised on the above topic on May 16, 2019 at the Vivekananda International Foundation, New Delhi. It was a sequel to ongoing discussions on the need for greater impetus on the shipping, ship-ownership and shipbuilding sector of India. Concept Note

Talk by H.E. Sidharto Suryodipuro, Ambassador of Indonesia to India

On 27th May Vivekanand International Foundation hosted the Ambassador of Indonesia to New Delhi, H.E. Sidharto Suryodhipuro. The Ambassador delivered a talk on ‘Indonesia and the Indo-Pacific’. The gist of his talk is given in the succeeding paragraphs.

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