India's Clean Energy Transition
Amb D P Srivastava, Distinguished Fellow, VIF

In this episode of the VIF podcast, Mr PK Khup Hangzo, Associate Fellow and Ambassador DP Srivastava, Distinguished Fellow at the Vivekananda International Foundation discuss the ongoing clean energy transition and what it means for India and the world going forward. Clean energy transition refers to a shift from fossil-based systems of energy production and consumption - including oil, natural gas and coal - to renewable energy sources like wind and solar, as well as lithium-ion batteries. It is necessitated by concerns about climate change whose impacts such as extreme weather events have increased in frequency and intensity. However, as the recent pandemic and geopolitical crisis have shown, there are limits to embarking on a large-scale clean energy transition at least in the short-term. This edition of the VIF podcast addresses this and other issues pertaining to clean energy transition and energy security.

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