VIF CNAS Webinar on AI and Quantum Computing, 8 Nov, 2021 | Opening remarks by Arvind Gupta, Director VIF

It is a matter of great pleasure for the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) to join National Security Advisory Board (NSAB) and Centre for New American Studies (CNAS) for a webinar on the potential of Indo-US collaboration on AI and quantum c....

India’s Drug Problem: Vimarsh Talk by Mr Jayant Misra- Remarks by Dr Arvind Gupta, Director-VIF

Friends It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to today’s Vimarsh talk by Shri Jayant Misra on a highly relevant and contemporary topic “India’s Drug Problem”. We have all seen the recent reports about a seizureof 3000 kilos o....

National Security Planning : A Talk by Dr Arvind Gupta, Director of Vivekananda International Foundation, at the National Defence College on 8 September 2021

The National Security planning begins with an accurate assessment of the nation’s security environment, its responses based upon the doctrines in place and the availability of material resources and manpower. NSC Since 1999, India ha....

National Security Concept and its Evolution- Talk By Dr Arvind Gupta at the Naval War College, 10th August 2021

Talking Points The national security concept is wide-ranging, builds upon threat perceptions, geostrategic location, capacities and many other factors. Each country has its own understanding of its national security interests. ....

Vimarash Talk by Sh V Srinivas, Additional Secretary, Deptt. of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances, August 20, 2021

Welcome to today’s talk on Admisntrative reforms 1990-2021. I would like to thank Mr V Srinivas, Additional Secretary DOPT, who will tell us about the history of administrative reforms in India and how they have impacted our administration and t....

Talk by HE Pham Sanh Chau at the Vivekananda International Foundation on India-Vietnam relations, welcome address by Dr Arvind Gupta, Director VIF

Dear Friends, It gives me great pleasure to welcome his Excellency Pham Sanh Chau to this virtual meeting being organised by the Vivekananda International Foundation. The Ambassador has kindly agreed to speak to us on the current state of a....

VIF- CNAS Joint Webinar on India-US Science and Technology Collaboration

Opening Remarks by Dr Arvind Gupta, Director VIF Mr Richard Fontaine, CEO CNAS Ms Lisa Curtis, Director CNAS Ambassador Arun Singh, Distinguished participants from the US and India Thank you for ....

Welcome Remarks by Dr Arvind Gupta, Director, VIF on 22 July 2021 -'Vimarsh Talk by Dr Ajay Kumar, Defence Secretary, on “India’s Defence Sector Reforms”'

Friends, I would like to welcome you all to today Vimarsh talk by the Defence Secretary, Dr Ajay Kumar on India’s Defence Sector Reforms. I thank him for accepting out invitation to interact with us on this very important issue. D....

Remarks at the Tashkent Conference on «Central and South Asia: Regional connectivity. Challenges and Opportunities», 15-16 July 2021

“The international community must facilitate a peaceful settlement in Afghanistan to encourage connectivity between Central Asia and South Asia”      - Arvind Gupta, Director, VIF....

Vimarsh talk by the Foreign Secretary Shri Harsh Shringla | Welcome Address by Dr Arvind Gupta

Dear Friends, It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to today’s Vimarsh talk by Sh. Harsh Vardhan Shringla, India’s Foreign Secretary. He will speak on “Global rebalancing and India’s foreign policy.” I would like to welcome and th....

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