Dear Friends, I would like to welcome and thank Sh Rajiv Malhotra and Dr Vijaya Viswanathan to the VIF once again for today’s Vimarsh discussion. You would recall that on 30 Sep last year, the VIF had organized an event to relea....
Dear Friends, I would like to welcome and thank Sh Rajiv Malhotra and Dr Vijaya Viswanathan to the VIF once again for today’s Vimarsh discussion. You would recall that on 30 Sep last year, the VIF had organized an event to relea....
Dear Friends, It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all to today’s Vimarsh Panel Discussion on the “India’s G20 Presidency: Forging Actionable Agenda for Global South”. This event is being organised jointly by the VI....
Friends, It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all to the Vimarsh talk on ‘Water Security in India’ by Sh Bharat Lal. Sh, Bharat Lal is the Director General of the National Centre for Good Governance, Department of Admini....
Friends, It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to today’s event at which we are releasing Prof Dilip Chakrabarti two latest books "Nationalism in the Study of Ancient Indian History & Towards a Nationalist Narrative of India's A....
(The following are talking points of a presentation made by Director, VIF at the National Defence College on 23 Sept 2022) India does not have a publicly articulated holistic national security strategy document. The goal....
Tags : Development , strategy , UNSG , Amrut Kaal , NSS , planning
Dear Friends, It gives me great pleasure to welcome Prof. Alexandra Xanthaki, UN Special Rapporteur in the field of Cultural Rights. She took over this appointment in Oct 2021. An expert on Human Rights, she has worked closely with several UN ma....
Talking points Covid-19, Climate change and Russia-Ukraine war have introduced new urgencies in India’s national security concerns. As disorder in the world emerges, India’s security challenges will also require newer dimension.....
Dr Arvind Gupta, Director VIF Does India have a culture of strategic thinking? This debate has been raging in the strategic circles since at least the 90s when George Tanham of Rand Corporation wrote an essay on Indian strategic thinking ....
Mr. Chairman, Secretary-General of the China Centre for the SCO studies, China Institute of International Studies, Fellow panellists, Excellencies, Ladies, and Gentlemen, Greetings from the Vivekananda International Foundation, New ....
It is a matter of great pleasure for the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) to join National Security Advisory Board (NSAB) and Centre for New American Studies (CNAS) for a webinar on the potential of Indo-US collaboration on AI and quantum c....