VIF Papers
Strategic Gaps in India’s Net Centricity

In the digital battle field of 21st century, Technology and Information are the new currencies of power. Exploitation of both of these to create efficiency, economy of effort and facilitate full spectrum operations;nuclear to asymmetric and strategic to tactical, is the essence of Net-centricity. Click here to read full paper

Lessons from Mizoram Insurgency and Peace Accord 1986

Signed on 30 June 1986, between the Mizo National Front (MNF) and the Government of India, the Mizo Accord so far remains the only successful Peace Accord of its kind in independent India’s history. Click here to read full paper

Information and Communication Technologies: Key to Transform India

The Digital Era ushered in by the ICTs and Media has opened up exciting possibilities for the country. India realized the potential of ICT for all round development and started building the infrastructure and capacities in the mid-nineties. She is now poised to make a big transformation that will alter the very fabric of society. Click here to read full paper

Sri Lanka: The Unfinished Part of the Eelam War

While many are optimistic about the Maithripala Sirisena government’s ability to make progress on reconciliation, some systemic issues need to be addressed which not only demands political will, but also requires cooperation from diaspora, civil society and all sections of Lankan society. Click here to read full paper

Ethnic Conflict and Harmonization: A Study of Manipur

Abstract Manipur is a melting pot of diverse cultures and ethnicities and has gradually evolved into a dynamic multicultural society. The Nagas, Kukis and Meiteis have shared common spaces and have been competing for the same land and other resources, since times immemorial, thereby leading to an ethnic conflict which has often manifested itself in violence and bias against each other. Click here to read full paper

Considering the Investor-State Dispute Settlement Provisions under the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Introduction In today's day and age, international trade and economic cooperation is considered the norm rather than the exception, especially with the rise of organizations such as the WTO. However, rather than diving headlong into the world of laissez-faire economics, due precaution must be taken before getting into multilateral trade agreements. This paper seeks to examine the Investor-State Dispute Settlement clause within the Trans Pacific Partnership and make general observations as to the veracity of the Agreement from India's perspective.

Anti Satellite Weapons: A Likely Future Trajectory

The concept of ASAT weapons has evolved over time as a logical progression from the mother concept of Anti Ballistic Missiles (ABM) or its more recent coinage,the Ballistic Missile defence (BMD)-- a Missile-based defence against the adversary's threat of Ballistic Missiles. Click here to read full paper

Consecration of China’s ‘New Period’ People’s Liberation Army

A Home Run of Military Modernisation At the dawn of Year 2016, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) officially promulgated the commencement of the final phase of restructuring of its apex setup for management of national defence as well as its highest organisation for the exercise of military command and control over its 2.3 million strong People’s Liberation Army (PLA). Click here to read full paper

China's 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Old String with New Pearls?

China and the Indian Ocean Region China has been incessantly increasing its footprint in the Indian Ocean in the past decade by undertaking port infrastructure projects, managing and running ports, gaining port access for naval platforms, acquiring military bases and conducting naval exercises with countries in the region.

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