VIF Papers
Growing Muscle of PLAAF

Steady Growth. Although some signs of a somewhat waning economy are now visible in China (economic growth rate sliding down from 10.5% in 2010 to 7.4% in 2014) she has experienced a steady growth cycle for the past two decades, catapulting the country as the world’s second largest economy. Click here to read full Paper

Strategies for Enhancing India’s Comprehesive National Power

Comprehensive National Power – Concept and Utility National power is defined as the ability of a nation to attain its strategic objectives by directed action. The use of power would be based on the overall national vision based on the aspirations of the people at large and the capability of the leadership to fulfill the same. Click here to read full Paper

Trends in Chinese Military Modernization: Implications and Responses

Geo-Political Context The Chinese White Paper on defence of 2015 and the papers issued earlier have been emphasizing that their “national defense policy is defensive in nature... and will never seek hegemony or expansion.” Yet, countries that have been at the receiving end of China’s assertive policies in South China or East China Sea would tend to think otherwise. Click here to read full Paper

Case for a Regional Maritime Security Construct for the Indo Pacific

The Indian Ocean has been the hub of major economic activity and global realpolitik since the end of the Second World War. It has assumed greater importance since the penultimate decade of the last century and will continue to remain so in the 21st century. The development and progress witnessed in South East Asia, China and India during this period has further extended this geographical construct to the western reaches of the Pacific leading to what some call the great strategic arc of the Indo-Pacific.

India- Bangladesh Relations: An Enduring Economic Partnership

India and Bangladesh share a long history of enduring economic partnership and bi-lateral development. The relationship between the two countries has been one based on mutual trust and cooperation. Our multi-faceted economic relations encompass trade, credit arrangements, soft transit facilities and joint ventures in energy and connectivity. Click here to read full Paper

Combating Financing of Terror: An Indian Perspective

Introduction The Indian state possesses a unique characteristic of a mix of peace and conflict trajectories that greatly impact its policy and execution. This is true also of its policies on and responses to the most potent threat it faces in the form of externally sponsored terrorism spreading in through its porous borders and internal terror largely on account of weak governance. Click here to read full Paper

Understanding the Chinese One-Belt-One-Road

A glance at the history of the last few centuries, since at least the seventeenth, indicates that the opening decades of all centuries are times of upheaval. New forces frequently emerge, new ideologies, or technologies. These take time to play themselves out. Without being deterministic about such historical cycles, it seems hard to escape the conclusion that we are witnessing one more turn, and that it will be a while before stability will return.​

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and its South Asian Connection: An Indian Perspective

A Brief Background to the Evolution of ISIS: Today, one of the most serious threats that have engulfed a large portion of the Middle East is the emergence of the Sunni Muslim extremist group, infamously known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), or Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL). After capturing a sizeable territory in Iraq and Syria, the group changed its name to Islamic State (IS).

The Communist Party-Army Equation in China

Preamble In republican scheme of matters, warfare is the ultimate political recourse that is to be prosecuted to seek conditions for advantageous settlement of external disputes. Conversely, in communist theology, military force is but an integral component of external as well as domestic political articulation, more of the latter in fact, for it to remain committed as the guarantor of the regime’s autarkic endeavours. Click here to read full Paper

International Terrorism Post 9/11: Emerging Trends and Global Response

Introduction September 11, 2001 was a watershed in the manner in which the world acknowledged and responded to terrorism. The monstrosity of the multiple attacks which killed nearly 3,000 people in one planned strike brought universal condemnation for terror acts and the community of nations got together to formulate a collective response, in what came to be known as the ‘Global War on Terrorism’ (GWOT).

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