VIF Papers
China’s Geography: A Boon or Bane?

Strategic thinkers have maintained that geography play a key role in determining a nation's aspirations, goals and behaviour. Taking cue, the author in this paper has delved on China's geography and the courses that this factor might play in China's march towards big power goals in the coming days. Click here to read full paper

Revisiting India's Disaster Response Mechanism: Challenges and Way Forward

One Day Round Table Conference (May 6, 2016) organised jointly by Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) & Policy Perspectives Foundation (PPF)

ISIS and Radicalization in the Central Asian Republics

The pristine Hanafi school of Islam that prevails in the Central Asia is under severe threat of being displaced by a highly intolerant and violent version of Islam adopted by the likes of the IS. Increasingly marked by poverty and radicalization, the region has thus become a growing source of exported ‘jihadists’. While the damage is still limited, unless controlled with a heavy hand, the societal destruction in the name of Islam may reach a point of no return. This paper reviews this issue from various perspectives.

Internal Security and Police Reforms

Policing in contemporary India has turned into a major challenge, This challenge requires the evolution of new policing culture, better training, comprehensive modernisation and astute personnel management. However, efforts made towards that direction has not succeeded to the extent desirable. Click here to read full paper

Freebies and Good Governance

Background and Argument I have chosen to speak on a subject of contemporary interest and importance: ‘Freebies and Good Governance’. I deliberately withheld the umbrella in suggesting the title of the talk that provides both inspiration and legitimacy to ‘freebies and good governance in India’ and this is the concept of ‘welfare state’. Click here to read full paper

DPP 2016: An enabler, not a show-stopper

DPP or no DPP the onus of success or failure lies in the hands of those who operate the DPP. Like they say, the law is only as good as the enforcer of the law. DPP 2016 or DPP 2056, it will be only as good as the persons who operate it, who interpret its content and apply the same to procurements at hand.​ Click here to read full paper

Make in Japan to Made in Japan: Indigenisation Lessons from the Imperial Japanese Navy 1880-1941

In 1868 or even in 1880s, Japan lagged behind even colonial India in many parameters including technical infrastructure, education, railways, etc. Neither was it a rich nation. Perhaps the corollary to it never being too early for achieving Jiritsu in defence hardware, is that it is never too late or too early to begin the journey towards ​swavalamban (self-reliance)​.

What is Cyber Security ? Status and Challenges: India

The transition from an industrial to an information era has created a new domain, “Cyberspace” and ushered in a new security paradigm with new threats to both national and human security. With large scale automation, rapid penetration of ICT and connectivity the developed nations are enjoying a much better quality of life that also makes them more vulnerable to cyber interventions. Click here to read full paper

Future Prospects of Peace Talk with United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) Genesis, Issues and Recommendations

The insurgency by the United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) has petered out over the years but peace talks with the outfit's leadership has not progressed beyond a preliminary stage. What are the prospects of these negotiations? Will a recalcitrant leader of a faction play spoil sport? This paper explores the options. Click here to read full paper

Taxation and Extortion: A Major Source of Militant Economy in Northeast India

There are a large numbers of militant groups involved in insurgent activities in Northeast India. Over the years, consequent to the perceived neglect, ethnic and identity insecurity, these groups have been sustaining their ideological struggle. However, with the emergence of multiple groups espousing to fight for the same segment of masses, these erstwhile ideological struggles have mostly degenerated into an economic opportunism. Irrespective of the group, the major source of income happens to be through “Taxation and Extortion”.

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