America First: Foreign Policy of Mr. Trump

Several recent episodes have brought out the nature of the ‘America First’ policy of President Trump. What is then the place of cherished values of human rights and free trade in the US foreign policy today? Human Rights The first question

Moscow Regional Consultations on Afghanistan: Can India Play a Role?

On 9 November 2018, Moscow organised regional consultations on Afghanistan which were attended by the Taliban’s Qatar office and the representatives of the Afghan High Peace Council. This was the first time that the Taliban and the representatives

Imran Khan’s China visit: China’s Deafening Silence on Financial Bailout

Imran Khan ’s much anticipated China visit took place from 2 to 5 November 2018 in the backdrop of Pakistan's desperate requirement of a financial bailout due to mounting balance of payment crisis, the rising concerns about the unsustainability of

SAMVAD Series of Conferences - India and Japan Find a Common Language on Shared Values

Prime Minister Modi’s official visit to Japan in October 2018 has greatly cemented the India-Japan Special Strategic and Global Partnership. The two countries are building a relationship on common values rooted in their ancient cultures. The Vision

India Faces New Political Configurations in the Neighbourhood

Many unexpected but important developments are taking place in India’s neighbourhood. New political dispensations with new agendas have emerged in Pakistan, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, the Maldives, Nepal and Pakistan. Besides, one would have to awa

दान से बांध का निर्माण !

पाकिस्तान की आर्थिक स्थिति इतनी खराब है कि उसे हजारों करोड़ रुपये की बुनियादी ढांचा परियोजनाएं

संवाद – टोक्यो में संपन्न चौथी संगोष्ठी – रिपोर्ट

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी और जापान के प्रधानमंत्री शिंजो आबे ने टकराव दूर रखने और एशियाई क्षे�

Building Dams with Donations

So dire is Pakistan’s financial health that it has been reduced to mobilise money from individual donors to build infrastructure projects which will cost hundreds of thousands of crores of rupees. In his first speech after becoming the Prime Minist

दक्षिण चीन सागर के लिए आचार संहिता पर चीन-आसियान वार्ता

मीडिया में ऐसी खबरें आई हैं कि चीन और दस आसियान देश दक्षिण चीन सागर में आचार संहिता के लिए बातची�

China-ASEAN Negotiations on Code of Conduct for the South China Sea

It has been reported in the media that China and the ten ASEAN countries have agreed on a single draft of a negotiating text for a Code of Conduct (COC) in the South China Sea (SCS). The formal announcement may be made soon. Negotiations on COC will

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