The UN General Assembly designated fifth June as the World Environment Day in 1972. In 1974 the first Environment Day was celebrated on the theme “Only one Earth”. That theme is as relevant today as it was then. Covid-19 has brought home the onen
The UN General Assembly designated fifth June as the World Environment Day in 1972. In 1974 the first Environment Day was celebrated on the theme “Only one Earth”. That theme is as relevant today as it was then. Covid-19 has brought home the onen
Speaking at the 125th Annual Session of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Prime Minister Narendra Modi called upon the Indian industry to take advantage of the unprecedented opportunities thrown up by the Covid-19 crisis and help build a st
आत्मनिर्भरता: भारत के पुनरुत्थान की मोदी की योजना अरविंद गुप्ता, निदेशक, वीआईएफ प्रधानमंत्र�
In his address to the nation on 12 May 2020, Prime Minister Modi announced a ₹ 20,00,000 crore plan and a bold reform plan aimed at rebuilding and reviving India in the 21st century. Modi’s visionary speech was notable for laying down a framew
The government announced a further two weeks extension of the nationwide lockdown which was to end on 3 May 2020. The Ministry of Home Affairs has issued detailed guidelines on handling the red, orange and green zones in the country. The decision doe
3 मई, 2020 तक लॉकडाउन बढ़ाने के प्रधानमंत्री की घोषणा के साथ ही भारत में कोरोना वायरस महामारी की गहनत
कोविड-19 बेहद करीब से जुड़े इस विश्व का पहला विकट संकट है। चीन के वुहान शहर में यह स्थानीय बीमारी क�
With the Prime Minister’s announcement of the extension of the lockdown until May 3, 2020, anxieties about the depth and coverage of the coronavirus pandemic in India have deepened. The Prime Minister was categorical in stating that the lockdown en
चार-घंटे के नोटिस पर 3 सप्ताह के एक राष्ट्रव्यापी लॉकडाउन की घोषणा करने में साहस और दृढ़ विश्वास
Covid-19 is the first full-blown crisis of a hyper-connected world. It arose as the local outbreak in China at Wuhan city, and within a few weeks, it had spread all across the world. More than a million Corona positive cases have been noticed and mor