Dr Neil Joeck, a visiting scholar at the Institute of International Studies, University of California at Berkeley and an expert on nuclear weapon issues, visited the VIF on 05 September, 2014 for an interaction with Indian defence and security experts, scholars and academics. In his presentation on the ‘Nuclear Doctrines of India and Pakistan’, Dr Joeck explained that the US often tended to view South Asia from the prism of Pakistan's nuclear capability and the challenge it posed to India. He also spoke about the role of China in the region and how it impinged on India's security.
Throwing up ideas on deterrence, he argued that the Cold War nuclear doctrines were not a very good model on which India and Pakistan should base their deterrence strategies. According to Dr Joeck, Pakistan by introducing tactical nuclear weapons had challenged the existing assumptions of conflict in South Asia. He argued that Pakistan no longer saw nuclear weapons as deterrence, but as a means to deny India an outright victory and defeat India's conventional capability and superiority. His presentation was followed by a very frank and engaging exchange of views and ideas with the Indian experts and scholars.