‘चीन की रोड एवं बेल्ट पहलः भारतीय दृष्टिकोण’

रेशम सड़क आर्थिक पट्टी तथा 21वीं सदी की सामुद्रिक रेशम सड़क की दो परियोजनाओं को मिलाने के लिए सितं�....

Two Years of The Modi Government’s Pakistan Policy - A Review

With the PM Modi-led government completing two years in office on May 25, 2016, this is a good time to examine how successful its Pakistan policy has been, the challenges it faces in dealing with Pakistan and the prospects of the bilateral relationsh....

Anti Satellite Weapons: A Likely Future Trajectory

The concept of ASAT weapons has evolved over time as a logical progression from the mother concept of Anti Ballistic Missiles (ABM) or its more recent coinage,the Ballistic Missile defence (BMD)-- a Missile-based defence against the adversary's threa....

सैन्य मामलों में लंबित परिवर्तनः भारतीय सेना

इतिहास साक्षी है कि, उन्नत हो रही प्रौद्योगिकी और बदलती रणनीति ने युद्ध लड़ने के तरीके में क्रा�....

The US about turn on F-16s for Pakistan: Is it for real?

The US Congress about turn on the supply of F-16 advanced fighter aircraft for Pakistan appears less to do with policy and more an action borne out of frustration; a temporary inconvenience for Pakistan. According to the deal, Pakistan would have p....

Untimely Political Turmoil in Iraq

Iraq is headed towards a political meltdown. This is because the governments which were formed after Saddam Hussein’s fall in 2003 failed to meet the expectations of the citizens, particularly the minorities. The country today is torn apart by c....

The Uyghur Issue: Why is the Chinese Government Worried?

The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) has been a sensitive region of China mainly due to the Uyghur issue and their clashes with the Central government. The article briefly delves into the history of the Uyghur’s and the reasons for their di....

Japan holds the G7 Summit - Focus on Indo Pacific

The Group of Seven (G7), an informal forum of the world’s leading industrialized countries--Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States--is also attended by representatives of the European Union. At the summit me....

सीडीएस: समय आ गया इस विचार का

चीफ ऑफ डिफेंस स्टाफ से अपेक्षा की जाती है कि एकसमान दर्जे वाले सेना प्रमुखों के बीच सबसे आगे रह....

Malabar 2016 - Ruffling Feathers in South China Sea

The Indian Navy’s Eastern Fleet is ‘Acting East’ with four of its ships en route to the seas east of the Malacca Straits, an area of maritime interest to the Indian Navy. In a press release, the MoD has stated that the four ships, the I....

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