राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य नीति-2017 से बेहतरी की आस

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी की अध्यक्षता में गत 15 मार्च को केन्द्रीय केबिनेट ने राष्ट्रीय स्वास....

National Workshop on Doubling Farmers’ Income through Scaling-up

In sync with Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s vision of doubling farmers’ income by 2022 when the country completes its 75 years of independence, the VIF, in collaboration with ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid ....

राजनीतिक एवं निर्वाचन व्यवस्था की सफाई को मिले उच्च प्राथमिकता

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी का यह विचार कि राजनीतिक चंदे के मसले पर चर्चा का समय आ गया है, भ्रष्टा....

VIF Delegation in Washington DC

A delegation from the VIF comprising Director, General NC Vij, Lt Gen Ravi Sawhney. Ambassador Kanwal Sibal, Lt Gen Davinder Kumar and Dr. Harinder Sekhon visited Washington DC from 28 February 2017 to 04 March 2017 for the annual ‘Quad Plus Dialog....

Universal Basic Income: An idea whose time has come?

The 2016-2017 Economic Survey of India (ESI), which was presented a day before the Union Budget was placed in Parliament, threw up the interesting idea of Universal Basic Income (UBI). It even gave the suggestion a swadeshi touch. An entire chapter t....

Interaction with Prof. Baoz Ganor on Counter-Terrorism

On 14 March 2017, the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) invited the globally renowned counter-terrorism expert, Prof. Bao Ganor, Founder & Executive Director of the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism and Dean at the Lauder School ....

Power of Disruption and Yogi Adityanath’s Challenges

There are two ways to understand the political developments in Uttar Pradesh. One is individual-centric and the other is issue-centric. The first may appear narrow but is nevertheless relevant, especially when the individual concerned has strong per....

Alternative Conflict Resolution Initiative: A Way Forward For the North East

Conflict Resolution is Beyond Treaties The larger perception prevailing in India is deep-rooted socio-political conflict in the North East which cannot be resolved through negotiations and treaties alone because the entire system ....

नि:शक्तता विधेयक, ऐतिहासिक उपलब्धि

इस देश के लोग वर्तमान दशक में 16 दिसंबर को दो कारणों के लिए याद रखेंगे: पहला कारण सदमे भरी याद है और....

Round Table Discussion on China’s Economy

Having transited from a government-controlled economy to a market-based economy in 1990, China had been successively clocking double digit growth until a decade ago. China's economic miracle, however, appears to be gradually fading away in recent yea....

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