Jammu & Kashmir
Kashmir - Is the Time Ripe for a New Outreach Strategy?

India’s historic move on August 5, 2019, heralded a new era in Jammu and Kashmir, a state which witnessed an uncertain political status and 30 years of Pak-sponsored Jihadist militancy. Before the abrogation of article 370, the normal life had come....

Truth vs. Reality: Unshackling the Burdens of Intrigue in Kashmir

Truthful journalism is the bulwark that makes democracies work by fulfilling the people’s right to information. This statement cannot be faulted, but there is a less comfortable truth that operates in tandem here, especially when it comes to media ....

K File:The Conspiracy of Silence By Bashir Assad (New Delhi, Vitasta Publishing Pvt. Ltd., 2019. 237pp)

Bashir Assad’s book comes at an appropriate time, as it provides an insider and subaltern view of Kashmir. He has firsthand experience of the developments in Kashmir for the past 30 years. In his own words, he has lived the ideology of Maududi Isl....

Rewriting the New Narrative of Jammu and Kashmir

Disjunction between the law and state can lead to systemic decay that breed corruption, instability, violence and erosion of institutions of governance. Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) is victim of the disjunction that allowed state ....

Kashmir: Beyond Article 370. By Bashir Assad. New Delhi, Pentagon Press, 2020. 177 pp. Rs. 595/-

Bashir Assad, the Kashmiri writer has come out with yet another interesting and insightful study of Kashmir following the abrogation of Article 370. To quote Bashir, he has brought out the “bitter truth following his inner voice” underscoring the....

All Quiet in Kashmir?

Kashmir is relatively calm since the last couple of months. No street protests, no encounters between the militants and the security forces. Last encounter was reported on November 26 between the militants and the forces in Pulwama district of South ....

Post 370 Kashmir - Roadmap for the future and Emerging Security Challenges

As Jammu and Kashmir enters the fifth month since the abrogation of Article 370, the national and international media, opposition leaders, and many public intellectuals have continued to repeatedly raise serious concerns about the security and commun....

The Jammu & Kashmir Horizon: A Recipe for Stabilisation

One of the things about J&K's winter is that it dampens spirits and morale. Bone chilling cold reduces human efficiency and all analyses of the situation tend to be negative. Unlike what a lot of people imagine as a period of quiet in the Valley, it ....

Kashmir: The Climb Ahead

“Don’t hit at all if it is honourably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft”, - Theodore Roosevelt

A State of Complexities
At the time of India’s independence, the State of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) was, by the ver....

Recent Developments in Kashmir

The spate of criticism faced by India in the international community following its constitutional amendment of Article 370, the restructuring of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, and the pre emptive steps taken by it to preserve peace and tranquillity ....

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