Historical and Civilisational Studies
Samvad: Global Hindu-Buddhist Initiative for Conflict Avoidance - Inter-Religious Understanding and Interdependent Sustainability, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, September 6 and 7, 2019

The III Edition of Samvad at Ulaanbaatar was a great success in many ways. In particular it cemented the relation between India and Mongolia as Spiritual Partners. It was held in the premises of Gandan Monastery in Ulaanbaatar. The pre - inaugura....

International Day for Monuments & Sites 2020: The Indian Scenario

In 1983, the 22nd General Conference of the UNESCO approved the establishment of the International Day for Monuments and Sites by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), the only global NGO that works for the conservation and prote....

Rare eBooks on VIF Website

Majumdar, R.C., Ancient Indian Colonies in the Far East, Volume I: Champa, Greater India Society Publication, Lahore: The Punjab Sanskrit Book Depot, 1927.
The book deals with the Indian connection with the ancient kingdom of Cha....

भारत में COVID-19: रणनीति मानव व्यवहार पर केंद्रित होनी चाहिए

कोरोना वायरस महामारी से उपजे वैश्विक संकट के मद्देनजर, जिम ओ'नील की भारतीय शासन व्यवस्था के बार�....

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam Revisited: Exploring India’s Soft Power Assets

In January 2019, Vivekananda International Foundation organized the seminar Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: Relevance of India’s Ancient Thinking to Contemporary Strategic Reality to mobilize the Indian repository of ideas—ancient and modern—and ....

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam - Relevance of India’s Ancient Thinking to Contemporary Strategic Reality

The adoption of 21st June as International Day of Yoga by the United Nations General Assembly in 2014, in response to an India-led resolution with a record high number of co-sponsors, was a landmark event. In this backdrop, it is all the more importa....

History of Ancient India-VIII : Sculpture, Painting, Terracottas, Performing Arts and Architecture

The present volume provides a thorough and meticulous introduction to India’s sculpture, painting, terracottas, performing arts and architecture. In each case the coverage is extensive, supported by detailed references and should lead to further re....

Insights from Sri Ramakrishna

Indian scriptures and texts contain a rich fund of ideas that can help us navigate through the practical-moral labyrinth of life. Modern saints continue to illumine our minds with insightful solutions to ethical problems. No exception in this respect....

COVID-19 in India: Strategy Has to Address Human Behavior

In the wake of the global crisis triggered by the novel Coronavirus pandemic, Jim O’Neill’s comments about Indian governance was not only uncharitable but also uncalled for.1 The discussion was about how Western countries should learn ....

Book Discussion on Dilip Chakrabarti’s Ancient Rajasthan

On 24 February 2020, VIF organized a book discussion on Prof. Dilip K. Chakrabarti’s latest book Ancient Rajasthan: Research Development, Epigraphic Evidence on Political Power Centres, and Historical Perspectives (New Delhi: Aryan Books Internatio....

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