Scarborough Shoal
Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor (25 September- 01 October 2023)


Most Russian oil exports bypassing price cap – FT
The EU and G7 countries have largely failed to enforce a $60 per barrel price cap on Russian seaborne oil exports, Financial Times reported on 25 Sept, citing an ana....

China’s Military Space Strategy

While the visible elements of China’s space programme include its launch vehicles, launch sites, satellite systems and Anti-Satellite (ASAT) tests, its military space strategy has never been enunciated through any official docume....

India-China Line of Actual Control: Increasingly Fuzzier…

Though comparisons are odious, Line of Control (LOC) and Line of Actual Control (LAC) are chalk and cheese! The Karachi Agreement of 1949 delineated the Ceasefire Line (CFL), following directional paths in the absence of clear landmarks, by demarcati....

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