Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: June 2021

In June 2021 six experts’ group meetings and one bilateral discussion were organised by the Vivekananda International Foundation through webinar on events and topics affecting India’s interests worldwide. The diversity of the expertise of each of....

India and the BIMSTEC FTA Proposal: Need for a Rethink

Over the last two decades, the world economy has undergone a sea change. From technology to politics; very few things remain the same. But, BIMSTEC Free Trade Agreement (FTA) continues to be where it was. Mooted in 1998, it is still under discussion.....

US-Taiwan Relations under Joe Biden Administration

Amongst many of the sensitive issues that Joe Biden will inherit, the US-Taiwan relations is going to be of critical importance for the US, Indo-Pacific strategy. Tsai Ing-wen has already congratulated Joe Biden on Twitter, she wrote: “The values o....

India’s Goods & Services Tax and the Neighbourhood

In July 2017, when the Narendra Modi government introduced goods and services tax (GST), there was strong apprehension among some smaller neighbours that it would act as a barrier to shore up their exports to India. The apprehensions were baseless as....

VIF - Prospect Foundation Interaction

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) held a virtual interaction with the Prospect Foundation, Taipei on 18 June 2020. Dr Arvind Gupta, Lt Gen Ravi Sawhney, Mr. Jayadeva Ranade, Amb Ashok Kantha, Amb Arun Singh, Amb Anil Wadhwa and Dr. Jabin....

Interaction with Mr. Tom Dodd, Senior Policy Advisor, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK

Mr. Tom Dodd, Head, ASEAN Department of Foreign and Commonwealth Office accompanied by Helen Fazey, Counsellor, ASEAN and Regional security Affairs at the British Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia had an interaction with the VIF Faculty on 12 November 20....

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