South China Sea
Australia joining the Malabar exercises will strengthen the Quad

In a landmark decision, India has invited the Australian Navy to join the Malabar naval exercises 2020. India’s invitation comes on the heels of the Tokyo meeting of the foreign ministers of the Quadrilateral (Quad) grouping comprising of India, th....

How the Sabah Dispute Challenges ASEAN’s Regional Security Vision

The issue of Sabah or North Borneo, as it was known till 19631, was brushed under a legal carpet of convenience ever since the Malaysian Federation was formed. Sabah lies on the island of Borneo, the world’s third largest island astride ....

Japan- Vietnam Security Matrix in the Indo-Pacific Region

The security scenario centring in the much contested South China Sea continues to be grimmer because of China’s expansionist designs and expanding maritime claims, converting this part of the ocean into the most dangerous hotspot. In its intimidati....

Addressing the China Challenge

(This is a modified version of the talk delivered by Mr. Satish Chandra, Vice Chairman, VIF at the Panchnad Research Institute recently)
I propose to dwell essentially on three issues namely the nature and gravity of this challenge, it....

China’s Militarisation of South China Sea

In September 2015 from the lawns of the White House, Xi Jinping announced that China would not militarise the South China Sea. Five years down the line, the picture is a complete contrast. As on today, China has effectively completed militarising th....

‘Unknown Pneumonia’: Another Chinese Propaganda in Kazakhstan?

Kazakhstan has again become the victim of China’s sensationalist and maligned propaganda at the time when it is grappling with the rising number of COVID-19 cases in the country. On July 9, Chinese Embassy in Kazakhstan issue....

US Augments Military Bases, Revitalizes Lilly Pads and Pushes for Visiting Forces Agreements in the Pacific Ocean

Earlier this month, on 1st July, 350 paratroopers from the US 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Airborne) parachuted onto Guam to test their ability to “execute real-world missions” and demonstrate that they could be deployed “anywhere in the U....

VIF - Prospect Foundation Interaction

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) held a virtual interaction with the Prospect Foundation, Taipei on 18 June 2020. Dr Arvind Gupta, Lt Gen Ravi Sawhney, Mr. Jayadeva Ranade, Amb Ashok Kantha, Amb Arun Singh, Amb Anil Wadhwa and Dr. Jabin....

Power behind Arrogance: Assessment of China’s Air and Missile Arsenal

Going backwards from recent acts of Chinese belligerence and barbaric conduct in Galwan (sic) totally divorced from all ethos of soldiering, into events of the recent past, a pattern emerges. A pattern of Chinese aggressiveness, arrogance and more; u....

India-China Standoff and Stability in the Indo-Pacific

Recent violent clashes near the Line of Actual Control (LAC) between Indian and Chinese army units, resulting in large number of casualties in the Galwan region, has caused significant alarm in the wider Indo-Pacific region. While the nature of the c....

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